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CEO's maid in New York


Word Count: 1167    |    Released on: 16/10/2021

upid burglar b

to break out of. I stood by the living room window and slowly tried to loosen th

me. When I turned around, I found that man that gave me food. I qu

xplanations for the knife being in m

?” I asked her. It seemed as though Cindy had no idea the amo

ew she must have been frustrated but for th

my house and that would not be good for my reputation” I

that is just good for me!” Cindy yelled at me but that did not bother me

now what you ran away from or whom you ran away from but I promise you that they are going to send you back to your damn country, f

I do not want to marry him! The realization came flooding into

try to run away, if you do then we're both screwed" I told her, hoping that

ng after that, the loud sounds of police sirens w

if you do, they'll take you back to wherever you came from” I warned her, hoping that the treat would keep her f


fixed my sleeping gown and tried to make myself look as though I had just come straight from

matter?" I asked both police officers, tryin

ors reported hearing screaming noises coming from your house" O

t my TV on but I'm really sorry about that” I apologi

ur identification sir?” The much ta

m into my house. While they waited, I ran up my s

y card hiding under my pillow. I quickly ran back down stairs and handed the police officers my identific

. Your neighbors are quit a handf

nski" I joked, trying to lighten the mood. That earned me a laugh from the cops. Soon

t was a close one.

not, bothering to check up on Cindy. I shut my ey

rival. Kyle was thirty minutes late but I knew to expect that from him. Suddenl

le greeted me as though he had not just t

when you not only brought me a present but you br

all me to your house?" He asked me, totally di

are going to babysit C

le asked, the question making Felix madder tha

she runs away, we are both in trouble. I'll be back at five in the afternoon to take my shift" I informed Kyle, who d

p on Kyle, as far as I was concerned it was his problem to sort out. Whether he

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