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The Grandiose Billionaire's Unknown Child

Chapter 4 Where's him

Word Count: 703    |    Released on: 13/10/2021

t argument he made his intentions clearly that nothing will stop him from marrying the girl he loved. Well, am not against his right to love, but am against he falling in love with wron

flying to Texas. In next hour. I have to stop him

k City. My family is well known in business world, I owned chains of company and hotels, my father thought me well in t

ght. I've been driving around for god-no-where, getting lost for more than five times, and still find it very difficult to locate the damn place!

o escape this time. I tripped my banging so hard enough to rattle the hinges of the house. I called out immediately to let them know that I will never give up. "I know you are in there. Will. Open up, blast you. I'm not leaving here until you

er. I thought without giving her more of my time, I said. "You sure took your time answerin

do you have any idea

opher, I cut in. If there's one thing that gets under my skin.

gs get under your skin, mr. Adams

s told you all about me

point," she sa

a long , appraising look at her. She loving woman. No wonder brother falls madly for her

nvite me in?" I asked her. She s

, come in." She sai

simply decorated. And without giving it much thought I turned and fa

where is he

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