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Chapter 1 1. The Bride who runs

Word Count: 3024    |    Released on: 13/10/2021

He generally dream one day, he will remain at the modify of the congregation and the assembly will grin at Lucy appearance as she strolls gloriously with her dad adjacent to her, holding a

s fantasy is done for in the downpour, how might he discover his direction back to her arms once more? H


t pudgy from her height. She reasonable in tone with her lovely skin, her hair was weaved in the antiquated Joseon style, Her Uncle, Pytre strolled to her and she made an arm to arm contact with him, who strolled her to the change. She was anxious and dishonest, she just knew this inside her self. "it is just with regards to the question of 10 minutes, Lucy this will be put behind you." Said Uncle Pytre. Lucy by her name, takes a gander at her uncle who gestures at her with an abhorrent expectation taking cover behind his grins, Lucy heart pounds exceptionally quick moving toward the holding up groom. Also, the Reverend Father was remaining close to him, at long last she was brought to the adjust standing


quite a while presently. He felt the destruction in the climate, he needed to move toward him, address him, during such a critical time Brightfed needs counselling. 'aarrgghh!!!' Brightfed hollered stronger as it echoes into the air, Brian's dread was that his dearest companion had bounce down from the mountain, he take a speedy looked with a help the mate was whining in distre


nd asked her. "Lucy Gracevid, this man Richard Stoneheart as swore before the Almighty to be your enternal campanion in all difficulties be it better and terrible. Do you acknowledge his delicacy and his thoughtfulness to be your husband, and you to be his wife, in Poor and Riches, to improve things and the Worsen?" He asked yet no words come from her, for quite a long time she didn't talk. She trust Brightfed will be here, she gasping in profoundly calling for help. On the off c

s servant so let give her opportunity to talk." Said the Reverend Father. After hearing this, Lucy gazed at Richard who is becoming exhausted of her mentality, he will take in and inhale down as those euphoria were not there any longer, she wished to see this delight go to distress. She take a gander at the assembly the way to the exit was protected, no security or ushers. She pick to her heels and run off. Sufficiently quic

ty will get hold of her and that is the end. She give run a shot when the watchmen pursued her, a vehicle shriek it tires in her actual front, as it floated in and the front door to the driver's seat was opened. "Get in!!!" The Driver shouted, Lucy remembered it was Brian, she knew it. "B

l the collaborate and bri


will come after her and she knew this, while the vehicle was on speed,

" Brian said out of disappointment. "sick? What befell


not said yes at this point, the vision that slide in his memory uncovers Richard following up on the interest of the cleric, 'presently you might kiss the bride' and the assemblage applauds for it. Goodness! That is dreadful,

he said in shock, he never anticipated that he should be near. He advanced down to meet the two, Lucy rush to the man she cherished a lot, even while

t Brian from far. They gestures at one another, Brightfed was profoundly thankful, he was unable to show his debilitated side.

a million." Brian answered as th

nd get out before they see you, I wi

ed's ride, he strolled back to Lucy, she is excellent in her outfit, she was unable to sit tight for him to draw nearer to her, she strolled towards him a

go" Brigh

fact that she gets what he implied, yet

ing it?" sh

need to discover some place more

re." she said she strolled to him and extended

straightforward fixed nylon, it contains a set of brilliant rings, which is creat

ouse, in wealth and poor, for better and more regrettable." she immediately sai

I say tha

he strain. "Then, at that point I guarantee to remain close by consistently, til' the very end do us away" He at long last said. "til' the very end do us away" She answered back, the two put in their rings in one another's fingers and kissed lovingly. They withdrew with the feeling that it is time they leave the scene, Brightfed take her to the bicycle and

oneheart held an immense punch and hit him in the stomach, Brightfed moans on the ground while the bodyguard took over from their chief and give him the more regrettable thumping of h

e the option to live with it if that occurs." said Mr Stoneheart. Lucy looked at Brightfed on the ground and back at Mr Stoneheart, she strolled in the vehicle in


run away bride . 'good gracious, is that her?' some said. 'poor her' others will say. In any case, who cares what they say about her, she strolled without taking

osing the inquiry when Pytre stands up once more. "You previously asked the groom, you are were going to asked the Bride, remember? " The Father gestured and goes to

et alive? Will he come to fight for her this time? What could she figure, he may have gone to treat himself. She turn to the father and needed to answer his question, the entryway to the church tor

et him until the police ar

sly, they charged at him and he had the option to deal with not many of them, as he is feeble as of now, they n

t as he takes a gander at the Alter, so were

in disillusionment. For what reason did she do tha

fed and grin jokingly, a big part of

e of God isn't in this marriage." said the Father and he strolled into his office. Everybody were stunned with rega

maining there looking at one another, she delivered her left hand and showed him her ring, a demonstrate that she is hitched to Brightfed, Richard lose his tie and left the church, Lucy look at

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