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Her Dark Soul

Chapter 2 Two

Word Count: 846    |    Released on: 13/10/2021

and, surrounding the witch’s home and as it did, the witch grew in power. She neve

m that was enhanced by her tight black corset, amplifying the curves of her already tiny waist. Her clear, green emerald eyes told stories

n her knew straightaway: “Don't mess with her. Don't get on her bad side; she is strong, evil, and powerf

es that shielded her piercing green eyes. She was wandering around inside a herb shop in a

w she had no time or care for them. The witch looked closer at the be

have been asked to give you a message about your calling. I am told there are a great ma

, there was a time not so long ago where I had asked you for

tter what! But on a more humorous note, I am much better than what I used to be. I have control; I can do what I

ulated. “Very well. I will have to give the other the bad news, that this is your chosen path

ess like I need a hole in my head! Now go, and take

witch’s mind. There was a time when the witch believed in angels, just like the one who appeared before

is. She liked things the way they were. She loved the bloodlust and torture, the dark

he shop and set them about on her altar, organizing them in a triangular shape,

erself while performing powerful, dark spells. Some energies used in spe

correct elements to avoid having problems. She was casting a spell to hide herself, to not be known, for no o

the middle. She muttered the words to the spell under her breath and watched the candl

ne her bit; all would be well, and she would

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