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skyline epic

Chapter 3 Dante the vampire

Word Count: 1698    |    Released on: 09/10/2021

e Dante a blood that he hid it in his own closet in the high school, then they setting at the break room, Chris asked Arthur: “you feel good

id: “you are

yes, she i

smiling well her blood

ry because he

s mine ok if you touché her I w

ie comes on the two , she asked of Dante and she tell _Arthur i


want to go now I hav

careful of

r he

er brother “w

l Dante” _she said “ be careful because he can kill a

ke any other girls Rose she is not care she remember just the running of Dante to the tw

n another place I think that the blue color

ong rose you are

Dante was so beautiful and handsome he is shining like the moon, then everyone look at him no one in his life saw someone in the beauty of Dante. He looks at his friend but someone is not there and this one he is Rose. all the friend was enter to the party but Dante was outside b

“if you want I wil

thank you”, then her father go home .then she come to

e you lat there a

, you know

his is your right

her ha

u are cold you

Lt’s go to enter”, then they enter. They foun

you are here Arthur” and _Arthur an

k Lily “hello Lily, you

Chris you said that you are afraid o

one of us ca

go to dancing Rose: “said look

in the same time he feels of

that you

want dancin

it to the other said of party

t I want to dance

it then I saw a blood in my dress after you bit you said in my ear I’ll changing your life now I love you so much my sweet. I everything I notice your

hur vampire, all this time you hi

are you not a

ed you so much Arthur I

d he running with his speed he running like the blade .he take it t

the darkness he put Rose the her hid himself in the

ot funny”, she stay in her place she look

it look like a wolf or a lion he say : “I’m strong I’m fast no none can kill me I am immortal and everyone look at like a unique man all this time I am a vampire no one understand me and finally you come t

h I believe it I don’t care I

he most dangerous vampire in the history of the human I killed him I still alive I’I was born fo

because of the others the cant touch you in the future but I can’t kill you I don’t why and how

ou can change but st

ou will be in danger”. Dante cannot stay far away of Rose because he loves her blood and her shin in her face but in the other, he cannot show himself to any human he should hide himself. They come back to

past we kill and drink a blood of humans but secretly, and now the Larsen’s hunt and e

e he can kill any one because every time he need a blood because he is original and his parents are vampires like me, and the law is adopti

ave arrived and the police here, t

they go to the hose, they fo

what happene

know how he enters to my house, the door is not bre

ember anything” _Dante : “ I should be go right now I’m so happy for your safe” and he run until he was far

“what h

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