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The little wife of the billionaire

Chapter 5 The fight

Word Count: 398    |    Released on: 08/10/2021

told my grandpar

ad already called him on the number h

nd mom and dad talking to the old man and whe

r your marriage

a scrowl from the ol

ing you can do about it now I smirk

you bitch you just

what you thought you could come back and rule my life after abandoning me ....how stupid do you think I a

d I won't allow you to make a fool of me my dad sa

u just

his eyes , the old man

he slapped my mom across the face ....that for hitting my wife and with that he turned to dad and punched him on the face

he r

of you Clar

m my life or I swear I'll

verything my grandparents , jay and I


omment and tell me how to improve......this


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