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I can't marry this bastard

I can't marry this bastard


Chapter 1 Part one: Dad's birthday party

Word Count: 1316    |    Released on: 28/09/2021

do I l

r kings size bed with her attention on the phone in her hand.

nd was throwing a huge ass part

will be swimming with all the who is who in the city and as his only heir E

to look at her, allowing her eyes to

g stars, long swan neck bearing a silver necklace, a teardrop pendant, her slim trim figure slipped into a gorgeous, plain purple dinner gown with a teasin

unning, breath

p at Clarice lot

Junoesque, re


these words come from. Read a dictionary today? " Evangel

I needed more words to convey it, " Clarri

ease enjoying reeling her best friend up.


friend's knowing the little b

rious as she stared ba

eally lo

Evangel was aware that people think her beautiful but

humor to disappear from her face

le look in the brunette eyes, and a murderous feelin

Her boyfriend someone she had loved and trusted betrayed her in the worst humilia

ook goo

the sincerity of her assessm

ead the truth in her friends eyes. She alwa

she has never tried to lie to her or decieve her like the other girlfriends s

k trust seriously and once


are we

already late as it is, " E

arly to anything, " Clarissa tease

eness. The woman was never early to anything. In college the


ered at her

make me sound like a

ee it baby, " Clar

s is true. No matter how early she starts getting ready for an event she will s

t, " Evangel retorted and breezed out o

toy, " Clarissa

boyfriend Stefan, whom her best friend believes s

a's intermittent boyfriend boy toy. She trailed through the corridors of thei

the lift down to the lobby to the outside wh

ight that is why she is us

ted the tall burly Mexican man

mally, his Mexican accent obvious in his vo

" She corrected

t Evangel knew he will call

rmally, as his formal address grates on her nerves and makes her feel

u get th

gift for his birthday. Earlier this evening she

hurried to the driver's seat. He buckled himself

l of one of the richest men in the city if an

r father's Estate was ab

c feeling filled her. Is been long since s

centre of the yards and the beautiful rose g

in her flowers but when she died her father had to get someone to car

r. Though is been years since her death she is still mi

y Clarissa reminds her of her mother. They are both blondes and shares the

eath of her mother had been one of the few

or. The parking lot was filled with so many cars, obviously

wards the entrance. Her father's footman stood wai

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