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Chapter 5  DAVE

Word Count: 1389    |    Released on: 29/09/2021

d she looked away before picking up her files which I just remembered I didn't even look at and turned to leave. But that's okay, there is absolutely nothing in that file that I can't find out i

hind me "I heard you interviewed an applicant for your secretary personally," he began. "You heard or you snooped around?" I retorted. "And why on earth would you imagine that I snooped around?" he rolled his eyes when I looked at him. "Because it's what you do and also, it's not been up to thirty minutes that it happened for the news to circulate around." "Okay, let's say that on my way to your office I had stopped at the conference floor to see how the interview was going but I saw Nicole outside and asked her what was happening. She told me you were interviewing an applicant." "See, that's exactly what I said, snooping around," I answered. "Dave," he grabbed my arm to stop me from getting into the elevator, "what happened, happened, I don't see why we have to hate ourselves for something our parents did. Yes, you are angry that dad cheated on your mother, I understand you but what about me? I have been known as the illegitimate son all my life where as you lived your life comfortably, you proudly called him dad in public while I have to do that in secret. You go on vacations with him while I only get to see him twice in a month. Your mother was known as his legal wife while mine as the mistress until she was finally upgraded to wife five years ago. Can't you see, you had it better than I did, but yet I am the one trying to bring the peace between us. Don't you think it would be better if we set our differences aside and be like the brothers we are?" It took all the strength in me not to clap for him for his nice speech, "wow, how long have you been planning all that to say to me?" Clark sighed, "Dave, please, as the elder brother, it is my duty to fight for the peace, but it's not going to be possible if you don't help me. Dad called, he told me you guys had a fight again this morning." "Yes we did and we are going to keep having it until he stops bugging me to be at peace with you." "Why can't you do that?" "Isn't it obvious? Because I don't want a brother," I answered and snatched my arm from his hold and walked into the elevator. I heard him sigh before following me and I pressed the ground fl

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