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Chapter 1 Depression

Word Count: 1395    |    Released on: 18/09/2021

at on the streets begging for food. The pain was like a hot shroud. The pain in her stomach was unbearable but the worst of all was the memory

wn a hotdog stand and purchased two of it. After wolfing down the hotdogs she looked down at the empty wrap

athed the city buildings. It would be dark soon and there had been reports about ma

est and spotted two men coming her way. Her conscience told her tha

. She was trapped. Trying to run was an awry attempt, for her stamina a

ause as I pointed at the b

. Struggling with the little strength of force left in her system the men

ed. A police officer spotted their act of severely punishable crime and gave

ip, not without causing an accident. Just when the kidnappers thought they had lost the officer,

with a migraine and found herself in an upside down van. She spotted the leaking fuel flowing to the cigarett

rawl out of the battered van. Freedom was close, but the car ex

made their way through the crowd and spotted Rachel. Luckily for her a

ve?" The off

Barely," The doctor replied, " She needs medical c

r ordered." All right people, give some

o her. . . . . . . . . she'd lost her limbs an eye and hands . And could have died. The tremendous pain she felt, not only in her body but al

walk see, touch or feel ever again. And her dreams left her shaken and weak. Never had she thoug

nd hoped that death would take her soon so she could join her parents to the journey

" The doctor that had

every morning knowing that I can't walk or see or feel. I lost my life when I lost my limbs not tha

n she heard the doctor's residents footsteps she said in deep melancholy on

se asked with a wit of con

oth know that I won't survive

and I've been watching you. You are

ks. But I do

the hospital wasn't supposed to be her expectations. Great expectations was me

worry, y

ctor that helped Rachel. She knocked gently on t

ou?" He asked taki

Jones, but we need to talk. It

said leaning back in his chair an

began" OK, Mr Jones, I know yo

her like I do the rest of

True he cared for all is patients but he had develo

are more for her like sh

He said in a more f

her suffering. There is a way to get her limb back.

ot happening Clarke.

ve her life" Cl

org are you insane? Rachel is not some random k


t think

ts not your decision to make. And if you don'

a long furious glare. She was rig

nk ab

at she left

ore he finally decided to give Rachel the tha

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