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My 2nd chance do-over

Chapter 6 Just a crush

Word Count: 412    |    Released on: 13/09/2021



beautiful flowers that Ryder sent me. He seemed very sweet, but no way would

hurt my kids anymore then he already has. If he wanted a fight, he was going to get one. There was

hat was going on. I didn't want them hurt, and I knew if I let Shalan back in he would

our children. He wanted a new start he claimed. What he actually wanted wa

what was going on. She told me not to worry that she would handle it. That was easier s

t I couldn't. I thought I would lay here stressing over Shalan, b

d him. Ryder looked like he could be on the cover of the romance books I loved to read. He was that

I was frustrated, stressed, and tired. I needed som

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