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The Badboy's Hometown Princess

Chapter 5 Not in this life

Word Count: 1662    |    Released on: 09/09/2021

mom’s shouts. I stretched my hands, yawning. I walked to th

g out.” My mom said

I’m your daughter. I’m not in the position to go anywhere

oming with me.” My mom

ou sai

out. We have a small work

from my bedroom. My dad came out of h

college. I sat on the floor with a drawing sheet in front of me. I do pencil sketch. I may not draw perfectly but I draw well.

d put it in my bedroom. I

Jolly day.

o it, I swayed my body. I stood from the couch and started dancing. Dancing is one of my hobbies and I got many awards too for my dance. Yeah! This is another reason for mine and

urse there’s no need to notice anything as no one was there and the main thing- it’s my home. The thought gone w

ed and turned o

. I let out a sigh and shouted “

t me then said “You

basic sense of knocking someone’s door before

all it’s my beloved aunt's

uttered and huffed.

started saying an

s house. Not every guy would be as good as

is pocket. It’s so small that it can fit even in a pocket. I took it to his house yesterday and I understood I f

t but he didn’t g

ldn’t. I stood on the stool but my efforts went in vain. I was trying to take and at last I stopped trying. I kept hitting his chest and stoma

touch me so bad.” His sentenc

ords, I tried to push

began rubb

But I did a wrong thing. He started falling on me and obviously I would crush under him. I enlarged my eyes looking at

rehead looking at him. He balanced himself with his one hand as he was so good at exercising. His other hand’s fingers started stroking my che

He kept laughing which was making me more furious. I stood from there an

my hand at the

way without offering

et out.”

I was about to shut the door, he pushed it open saying “I too dance

I said and shut th

t the moment we had a minute before. Unknowingly my lips started curving up with smile b

arrived. Then I strolled to my bedroom and did my college works. At evening,

reach our classroom, Anna saw Roman talking to a blondie laughing and th

” she asked

ight be a girl from

ed walking... no literally ran behind them. I stood still c

with my cousin.” I heard

unning behind Roman. I didn’t utter

nd is dying for my cousin yet

ok and said in a low angry tone “I tried many times to unite them yet I coul

most importantly, don’t become a fighter who fell

d that fighter kicked your l

fall on you.

more so I again started strolling away. B

end in her so called

urned back and

hearing my

now Anna is in love

s into other girls. Not love. Ju

you do it? Can

your friend. If I try hard, I

ou waiting for?

r me?” h

n no one would be so stupid as I was. He is a rich dude and I can’t offer it. I offere

hing to offer you


eyebrows and

said in a hoarse ton

is life.”

asked me to be his girlfriend? Did he get bore of all oth

nd within few minut

s his friend’s girlfriend. They were talkin

oman entered in. I rolled my eyes looking at Harry. Th

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