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Amidst Chaos

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 1561    |    Released on: 09/09/2021

finally gave up. I took my phone from my pocket and just when I was about to call Nate, I felt a pair of arms around my waist liftin

He looked even more handsome than I remembered with his jet black hair pushed back and I could see a glimpse of his tan chest through his button-down

rprised by his reaction. I was just wearing a plain t-shirt and a skinny fit jean

I smacked his head and

e way to the apartment," he spoke as he carried

cook?" I asked in

y roommate?" he winked at me and load

must be paid well to have a cool ass car like this. I ran m

asked with a huge

the car. I pouted and folded my arms in f

ool is from your place?" I ask

I could drop you off on my way to wo

's gr

lashed me a huge grin, making my heart

hat word ag

I whispered and look



Did you find someone

t interested." I lied a

reply since high school," he t

bout you? Who is the flavor of the month?" I tried to sound ch

h college. Good old times!" he sighed dreamily and I mentally

rimaced while he just laughed a

ealized that nothing had changed between us. He still m

d see me as mor

wo bedrooms and a kitchen that looked empty. The living room had a couch and a f

ked as he walked past me with my luggage and went

chen and the bathroom is over there. We got to share it and this is the living room.

y shopping?" I asked w

left, I've been living on take

as such a

rest, you better help me later to

ning on the TV. I made my way towards my room and

e's sarcastic comment from the co

an. I wanted him to think that I was hot and sexy. I groaned at how desperate I was being. Why do I even like that jerk? I started to unpack and ar

one and turned it over to see the call

orgot to

sleepy voice, waiting fo

you see Nate. Where are you, baby? Are

ettled in. I was so tired and forgot to call you, sor

my heart ached. I missed her too. She tried to be so strong ti

nd I'm gonna visit you whenever I can," I swa

to know that your dad also wo

mom and this was a huge transition for both of us. We spoke for a while about Nate and the apart

kitchen, shirtless. I could see his back muscles flexing a

y f

vert my eyes from his perfectly toned ch

he lived

rocery run. I even tried to tidy up the place a bit," he scratched the back of his head, looking

stated as I walked inside the kit

us dinner," he threw a pack of ch

he cupboard. I stole a glance at his biceps and quickly diverted my eyes before he could catch me staring. Halfway through cookin

what was

shiver as his hot breath against my neck sent tingles down my spine. For him, it

hroat and tried to hide the

to this shirtless pacing around and friendly kisses on the cheek? I don't thin


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