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The Kings Little Faeling

Chapter 5 Dreams don't hurt like this

Word Count: 1138    |    Released on: 06/09/2021

Summer Court


ould take me back under. I was aware enough at times to realize that I was probably dying. My body would shake uncontrollably, and I’d feel like I was going to freeze, but then minutes later, I felt like flame



have to drink it,” Fa

ut liquid poured in my mouth, and he shut m

t so sluggishly, so I figured he c

arply. “I mean it, Faeling, I have not looked for yo

ong, little one, and I’ll make it worth i

ed and him wrapped around me. He had pulled the covers off my body and placed cold, wet towels on me when the fire came. I wasn’t



do this. I’m so weak, but Fallon is there still. He holds me over the bas



bad for him, his voice has a weirdness that makes my heart hurt, and I w



ose and kisses my head or a cheek he plays softly with my hair. I'm always his, little Faeling, he



wn laws to start bonding to a mere faeling, they become extremely jealous and violent. T

nd and to hell with anyone that says anything

ter that than for her to become a shade. Let one of your men take away her pa

Cassia,” I say softly but

t on me. I didn’t do anything to her. It’s not my fault that she’s d

yet. So don’t get so happy abo

ses you pain. But, Fallon, you know I love you.

reply then I leave the dinn


t n

und of his voice and his soft caresses. It’s so soothing. He

hope you can hear me.” He pauses, and I wish I

nse, for lack of another way to put it. I don’t want to do it without your consent. I’d hate if you came to

darling, can we talk about what happen

. “Get out of here, Cassia, and don’t ever come in

n said sweetly, and I know you’ve denied it, but you care for me

NOW!” Fal

d I’m thinking about that woman. I don’t like her. I ins

out, little one.” He says

s weird. I know I’m dying, though, and I

te me if I do this?”

ensation on my lower back, and my mind moved into my body for a moment. Strange, I concentr



ven opened her gorgeous eyes for a moment. “Faeli

but couldn’t. “It’s okay; I know you’re

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