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Love and lies (Her love Story)

Chapter 4 Work

Word Count: 1068    |    Released on: 04/09/2021



for you don't go o

ke iced cream before eating, inf

age her personal a

s she got up from the bed a

leaning up and sat d

d comeback, I will increase y

u think am w

r work" Lisa sent an

of the room i

gerator and took out

and p

told not to t

ook the iced cream and sa

o stay alone tha

no one wi

the iced




cked t

y iced cream" the girl's voi

the iced cream

nitoring me

" She yelled harshly as Lisa p

ork" Lisa sa

er plate of

she closed her eye

iced cream is another thing

vibrate constantly

f iced cream aside a

a gro

again seei

isn't part of the group chat and h

the group as he

t down as she picked up the remote to put h

r eye concentrated

the spoon in her mouth a

and went to the refriger

the drama was

to you " Lisa yelled a

ep the iced cream back

r clothes and

o see you at

r assistant and

ound" Liam asked as

found yet" Joel s

, the backup can be sent toni

e here" Joel

face out" Riley

out anythin

d there was no video of anyone goin

hard copy you can check it your self

ardcopy as the v

sat down for hour

ideo, then does it mean The camera d

ra was not workin

was not working t

nto the nearby CCTV cameras



to get it" he said to t

ter" Liam aske

r the note fo

get it"

d and left

looked at t

er extreme of the office loo

t you think is

ishy" Ri

ng the murderer won't be detec

she has an inside helper" Rile

use of the good things she is doing I can do a good j

doing the right thing? L

a conscience and us bent at helping the society but you know the so

er in out criminal and mu

ne things that could get me a faster money b

sed his

said as he entered the of

over the f

d as they viewed the

nt found belong

gh the identif

am fr

at their express

as nothing t

make it look like a su

ases were closed because it wa

we thought" Liam said wi


sitor" An officer said a

ked up

w the message sent


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