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Chapter 3 New Neighbours

Word Count: 1237    |    Released on: 02/09/2021


ther hectic day. Seriously the tourist

aking. We are surrounded by woodlands here, the perfect little nook in the middle of nowhere, which was exactly why the founding families chose this place. It was

good thing, being out of the way was definitely

ver we wished. I can tell whomever that I am a witch, and they will just ac

d around tourism, which was definitely the economic boost for a little town like

large open plan kitchen come diner and collapse on the c

e hallway door, leaning up against the d

do some over time, or hire another body for the holidays.” I

h up with the accounting today. Don’t panic, I will be in all day for th

ought of having to go out again did nothing to excite me. An outdoor teen party, surrounded by drunk adolescents who cannot handle their

get an amorism.” She replied dryly, rol

a choice in the matter.” I lean up against the breakfast bar,

your age, I had a fake ID and I was out partying most weekends. What is all the

the last one ended!” I s

onestly, he was right. You cant move to a completely different town and still e

recently?” I ask her, raising my eyebrow and smirking at her. Hop

a long term relationship. It is what it is. Relationships get compli

me here Aunt Tibby. I’m gonna go get out there and find me a man!”

way from me defeated, opening the refrigerator

Grateful for the change in topic I sit down on one of the hi

I’m not really one for keeping u

know, listen in or something.” She shakes her head at me before carrying on. “Anyway, It would seem that t

reepy house out b


eems gossip worthy?” I mutter, running a fing

on. I don’t really know the whole story, but the old Duval family were into some seriously messed up stuff. Like da

his, I am going to be late, and Seb will kill me if I’m late.

un Mel. You never know, you might actually end up enjoying you

n of what she says and as a final goodbye,

I was trying to impress. I throw of a pain of jeans

up into a bun so it was out of the way. A light smattering of make-up and I

op a frosty note to it. I bundle myself up into my thick knee length coat, m

reens as they all settle down for a night of cosy comfort. What I w

h, I make my way to th

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