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The Novelist And The Superstar

Chapter 2 HIM!!!

Word Count: 981    |    Released on: 28/08/2021


usly. Aerum got to know after listening to her nervous laugh and said " As expected,"


who will listen to you. Some people will be annoyed by that" Ae

early in the morning, I have to get some beauty sleep y

at her and said " of course, now straight up go sleep and bye" "y


dious voice. And I woke up cause of their beautiful singing. I ru

rday, then how we're the windows open somewhere or did they broke the glass GOD this is a new house

an intruder in my house. I looked around to find a weapon and I looked at my hockey stick

I took the hockey stick I hold it tight I was re

n front of me I guess and I hit him/her with my hockey stick hard that they would have fainted if hit in

s so handsome.........but wait WHAT IS HE DOING HERE A

to know about me hitting him I am so dead they would not

ut I saw or one person coming near us looked at the way that per

em both she was worried about Jae cause he was hit, and glared at me, my mind was

lling not that I was scared but surprised to see her yelling and I guess my voice was fina

o-no see look at my house it's so messed up and I had locked my door and I don't even hav

me as an intruder" He again protested, now

" she said to stop him from talking as she

, " Mr you are at my house and I don't even know you and my house is all mes

tongue later " Look, you young man, even if you're a superstar I don't care cause I don't know you in person. Now shut

ain began to blabber and I poked my hockey stick on his arm and he started hiss

widened her eyes and whispered " you can't do that, if he started cleaning here he will mess up the house even more" "

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