My Bubblegum Prince
on F
Faster, u
could have waited for the cars to pass by first but that would mean getting to homeroom one minute be
etely obviously of the competition we just had. However, when
oor and putting a stop to the movement on my
uphold. I had to be at least three min
t all the apologies I could remember. I ran into the homeroom class like a crazy person and just when I was about to
bag. "I'm so so sorry." Some girl sin
aying colourful words like 'fag' 'dweeb' etcetera. And some others high fived me as th
ostly the girls. Others hate me, cox I'm lame -- in their terms-- and being gay is an abomination -- in their own big world
said nudging my side as
"I'm a walking
s, "thanks a lo
mong the few people I loved on this messed up world. And no her f
o learn maths than early in the morning when our bra
ff during first period
t herself before she fell off. "Qu
er looking up to make sure Mr Wa
talk. Especially if its maths, that's pra
ill help you when you go into arm robbery in less than ei
exams." She said placing h
arm froze mid air as my eyes zoomed in on t
his pockets as he strode into the class, hair and clothes - everythi
ooking away from the board, where he was
rked, chewing on something. Girls were swooning, guys wer
autiful blue gray eyes were on me. Why? I soon got my answer.
r said. Sebastian nodded and started making his w
t back before it popped out loud. He walked to me and crossed o
was nervous. I've never sat close to or even walked beside or made eye contact or been w
a lose cannon as my heart raced. I was completely whipped up by Sebastian and he didn't even know my name. So I av
till 'sleeping'. "Ryder open your stupid eyes." I t
are was scary. "
bit to see why I wanted to switch. Her li
uld be sizzling bacon by no
This is the perfect opportunity." She said gestu
elaxed on the seat, pen dangling on paper. He didn't notice Ryder
ws. I sighed and turned behind he
e and her eyes gli
hed with an eager Janey. As soon as I sat behind Ryder, I noticed Sebastian turn to me. He
h him, I find continuous chewing of a gum
ning back to my boo