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The First Time


Word Count: 1411    |    Released on: 27/08/2021


hat must be the reason why his father had taken him all the way from the Northern part of the country precisely Kaduna do

much admired a girl and how he could not succeed in whoring her just like any other boy. As in most cases, Kelvin would decline any assistance each time he comes looking for his advice and tips. He was a daydreamer of some sort. Though he has so ma

t being realistic at solving his problems he relishes the pleasure of daydreaming about having them all

ngs. In spite of all these, he was quite a funny kind of

as indispensable with his radio sets from which he blasts songs of his favo

ng lyrics and composing them. It had thrilled Peter to discover that Kelvin shares his dream and as such Kelvin soon won his respect and admiration. Kelvin, h

his lifestyle, as was with the others he was not incli

port with him. It puzzled him too why Kelvin would not want to a

his greatest undoing as he found himself less agreeable with most people. It was this vain ego that probably hindered his much-need

or without any slightest atom of reverence. His unruly behavior countered nega

n the boys’ quarter. He soon found solace i

opposite their main boy’s quarter. Kelvin lived with the majo

had unsuccessfully attempted to whore aft

, he rarely goes beyond his own side of the boys’ quarter. It was on three occasions he was invited over by one of

nt left a sour taste in their mouth. It was Kristor who communicated the incident to him. Kelvi

g on?” Kristor asked him one night wh

anything. What

ollably until Kelvin felt silly for

with things here no matter how bad you feel about it all. It puzzles me. How

trying to contr

me too obscene to talk about. So sometimes, I t

don’t know how to begin narrating what I heard,” He beg


lone in sleep. He first tried to wake me up but I was far long asleep so he decided to wake Mekus up. Mekus told me he saw an excited, scared, and equally confused Peter clutching his manhood. He asked him what the pr

nstrual period. He had to agree to a hand job―masturbation. It was unfortunate that Peter had narrated his silly experience to Mekus who rarely keeps secrets. Mekus did not wast

t drew the ire of criticism from some of the female students and some

thing by making it a matter of flip

ut of the incident was not a welcomed development. Peter brooded over it for some time. He recounted other seething and unreso

came withdrawn for a while. She as well never

rage, it was two students per each of the over twenty-roomed apartments. He has never lived in a large gathering before. He opted to relocate to another quieter lodge. He was forced to jettison the idea. However, it soo

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