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Shadowed Creatures

Shadowed Creatures


Chapter 1 The Academy

Word Count: 3963    |    Released on: 25/08/2021

y. I know that when my fathers body was recovered it was torn to shreds, that not anything human could have done the terrible things to him, my mother’s body was never found. I know that I was found

not for a single picture of the three of us that sat on my bedside table, then I wouldn’t even know his or my Mums faces. I know that my Dads best friend and fellow

to childhood trauma. That witnessing my parents brutal murder had been the trigge

at the Hunters were created to protect humans from these creatures. I found this out when I turned 10. Darren brought me and Ben to his headquarters

of purpose. One that would drive me to excel and become the best, like my Father.

. Being 5 foot 2, I was shorted than the average warrior, but what I lacked in size I m

a few short hours, I would offic

rds for the last 8 years. I achieved my every goal that I had set and I would be leaving the academy as the best

ward. Only Hunters could cross the bridge that connected us from our realm to the mortal one. Seeing as we were not yet sworn in to the Hunters, we could only cross to the mortal realm with a fully fledged Hunter crossing with

had no interest in crossing over. Devoting my energy into training and honing my skills. S

no longer be my room. I had no idea where I was going to stay. I had never thought about the nitty gri

I didn’t have much, I didn’t need anything. The only things left to pack were a

essed up and threw caps in the air. We were trained killers after all. It was straight forward and no frills attached

et more strength or stamina. Few get the ability that rest within the mind, for example telepath

ok like my Mum. I wish I could see it, but I guess I can’t really remember her to be able to agree or not. The one thing that I could say I definitely inherited from her is my hair. My raven black locks were the exact same shade as hers in the ph

years we spent together before entering the academy we grew to be inseparable friends. More than that, we were like brother and sister. He was all I needed, we entered the academy together, and now we will join the Hunters together. Don’t g

e also stood a couple of feet taller than me, with broad shoulders rippled with muscles. He had deep set green eyes, most girls fanned over him. His Dad was pretty well known by most Hunters, so his go

closer “Its so great to see you.” I

a powerhouse. His size dwarfed me. Even his wife Marlene looked like an insect next to her husband and son. His face was battle weary, sporting a large scar that ran from his foreh

ce, well, since before I could remember. Maybe its another side effect of my so called “childhood trauma.” Some may call me heartless, may

pts with a pout “d

irl.” I reply with a smile bef

e gym crackling into life. Ben on the other hand was an epitome of emotions. He laughed and cried enough for the both

e take your places in the viewing seats. Please be aware that joining the proceedings today we have the top recruitment Hunters and team leaders to overlook. At the end of

rosses his face as his Dad gives him a slap on the shoulder and wishes up both luck

in front of the other. I felt a small bur

eing a Richards we always managed to sit with one another. Luckily we never had the issue of a

up and down as we wait for

im. “Your nerves are making me rattle about o

reds of people in front of us. Not just parents, but Hunters from all over the world. They have come to see what the new r

, the more likely of getting a better combat position. For those of us who didn’t fare so well in hand to hand, could go to in

redibly hot. His bright blue eyes sat beneath a mop of light brown hair. I sat and drank in his appearance. He stood arms crossed over his chiselled chest. His black t-shirt pulled taught across his muscles. His jeans fitted snuggly against his body, leaving little

ld me he knew I was checking him out. I pulled my eyes away making sure not to let them stray back over

stress, and a guy I have never seen before. I watch with interest as he sits on a stall

he time out from missions and assignments to be here today. I’m sure the trainees are thrilled to have so many brave warriors here to bid for there places on your teams.” Mrs Roland pauses as a cheer emanates from the crowd in front of her. As silence once aga

your chosen teams remember all that you have learnt here. Act wisely, and remember you cannot work alone, your team is what makes you strong.” Her eyes briefly land onto me, it was brief but

e front of the stage and c

ward.” A guy sat in front of us stan

m Adams, accept your transition from trainee to hunter, promise to protect the innocent at

s Wills palm which swells up with his blood. He raises it over a gol

cled by a snake. The ink used is laced with magic which is what gives us our heightened gifts. I watch in interest as the tattoo is completed, will the gift present itself straight away? It differs from hunter to hunter. Some may feel the power awakening in there bodies whilst others take longer to manifest.

ged Hunter. He makes his way over to stand with the crowd, a

r the man to see. I watch with interest to see how his gift will manifest. Before the tattoo is even completed, I notice his muscles start to twitch, if even possible his shoulders broaden even more than what they were before. He has been given strength. Its no surprise, Ben was strongest warrior of us all. He stands, flexing his hands as he feels the strength enter his body. Once complete he walks d

ade a sound. I didn’t have it in me to feel embarrassed. It was something I had lived with ever since coming to the academy. People’s eyes followed me around as soon as they heard my name. When ever Hunter Steve Taylor was mentioned conversation would

ur transition from trainee to hunter, promise to protect the innocent at all cost,

lt a sharp string across my hand. Looking down I watch

full bowl of blood. I watch with interest as the red gushing from my hand swirls with flecks of gold. I stand transfixed. Its not th

. His face scrunched up with concern. “are you feeling alright?” he asks in a hushed

e small pinpricks across my neck, it was uncomfortable but not unbearable. As he finishes I held my breath waiting for the rush of power to fi

my way off stage. Still feeli

ne motherly voice rings out

different to be honest. I expected to feel something.” I looked dow

ay.” Darren put an encouraging hand on my shoulde

k him. He’s never said explicitly what his gift was, but

ave not had to use it for some time.” Before I could ask him to

an Italian accent. Which I suppose I should have guessed his heritage ba

pulls him into his body giving him a solid thump on his shoulder blade. A

one quite. I'm expecting something to flare up soon thought, the beas

as he did his father. “I have been watching you for a

ears turning red at the attention. “A

you,” Dario beamed. “I would like

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1 Chapter 1 The Academy 2 Chapter 2 Lies and Deceit3 Chapter 3 A New Realm4 Chapter 4 The First Witch5 Chapter 5 Memories6 Chapter 6 The Executioner7 Chapter 7 An Conversation8 Chapter 8 She Will be Mine9 Chapter 9 And so, the Training Begins10 Chapter 10 The Key11 Chapter 11 The Fire of St Leger 12 Chapter 12 A Reluctant Trainer13 Chapter 13 Dark Angel14 Chapter 14 Destiny15 Chapter 15 Lost Soulmates16 Chapter 16 My Mothers Daughter17 Chapter 17 Lord Tyrell18 Chapter 18 Together We Are One19 Chapter 19 The Underworld20 Chapter 20 Lucien St Leger21 Chapter 21 Magda the Wart Nosed Witch22 Chapter 22 Promises23 Chapter 23 Angelique24 Chapter 24 The Prince of Darkness25 Chapter 25 Damage Control26 Chapter 26 Fiery Pits of Hell27 Chapter 27 His Lust28 Chapter 28 You Are Mine29 Chapter 29 Aftermath30 Chapter 30 An Invitation31 Chapter 31 Unexplored Rooms32 Chapter 32 The Long Gallery33 Chapter 33 Mortal Enemies34 Chapter 34 The King of the Underworld35 Chapter 35 A Proposal of Marriage36 Chapter 36 Acceptance37 Chapter 37 A Bride Fit for a Prince38 Chapter 38 A Dark Wedding39 Chapter 39 A Dark Bed for a Dark Mate40 Chapter 40 Hostage41 Chapter 41 A Brother or Lover 42 Chapter 42 Broken Hearts Part 143 Chapter 43 Brothers at Arms44 Chapter 44 Return to Pear Tree Cottage45 Chapter 45 A Mothers Love has Limits46 Chapter 46 The Devil and his Witch47 Chapter 47 Blood is Thicker than Water48 Chapter 48 Hopelessly Alone49 Chapter 49 The Wards are Down50 Chapter 50 If Not Me, Then No One51 Chapter 51 A Painful Goodbye52 Chapter 52 The Witch is No More53 Chapter 53 Broken Hearts Part 254 Chapter 54 Which Way Now 55 Chapter 55 A Helping Hand56 Chapter 56 The Water Garden57 Chapter 57 Revenge for My Mother58 Chapter 58 Lover, Mother, Daughter, Wife59 Chapter 59 The Dead Cannot Heal60 Chapter 60 No Turning Back Now61 Chapter 61 The Real Oona St Leger62 Chapter 62 Resurrection63 Chapter 63 I Will Pull You Back from the Darkness64 Chapter 64 Time to Heal