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The Disembodied soul

Chapter 5 Fight

Word Count: 1143    |    Released on: 27/08/2021

m stagger. I got to him again, flinging his head to the wall. He bleeded as he fell completely on the ground. But I wasn't still done. I need to make him

for that" he spatted and st

ne at the brim of his death. I heard laughter and voices talking indi


at me and asking no one in particular. Sure she was with Ranni, Peggy and Soni

e to rise, but my head hurts and my ribs region. I guessed Arnold really dea

me at my forehead, now wrapped w

place? " I said,

experience, I owe you a lot"

oking fine", I asked Ranni, with concern. He look

n's mischievous act" he said, t

at he gotta tell his mischievous cousin to stop having m

pposed to mean",

gonna be a dumbass if you don't deliver my message", he said with a smug

have my fist damage your face"

They stood there, zero meter, looking at themselves eyeballs to

or" I asked, still confused. Where they ha

nni. But he simply turn

Peggy shouted behind him. I

I hated been kept in suspense, especially in a horrid situation lik

how long it's been happening", Sonia said, now

en to get my sister...",he said. At those words, I remembered my dream. Helping a thief.... Thief. Then back to my wallet I unintentionally lost. Or pickpocketed by Sonia. I sudd

ed, bringing m

vin. I swallowed. I ought to be home. I looked at Peggy, who bur

talk tomorrow" I sai

en" Sofia said drowsily.

d, smiling. I slightly smiled bac

naged to say. Peggy esco

n let it ruin everything. That he talks with Arnold doesn't mean that he knows everything about him. Arnold's cunning and he has his way to deal with things. I intentionally had to keep mute because

rents are gone for business", I said, walking home with

o? There's still room for you"

d" I said still

te. As expected, k

e back by this time? You can't tell me that you a

ldn't I get settled in firs

ast before you grow worst", he threatening. That's how it's always is. H

the driver to take me home. But I was in an aeroplane. I couldn't just go to the pilot and s

oing to be a challenge. No wait, I am going

m, collapsing on my bed and with a little diff

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