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Chapter 2 The Visit

Word Count: 1066    |    Released on: 22/08/2021

breast with all the rooms in the house, even after living there all his life. It was an ed

n?" she asked almost immediately. "Oh, he's uuhhm...." he hesitated. "What?" "He's having a shower" Liam settled for. "By this time? Isn't he supposed to be with his guests?" she retorted, making an air quote when she said his guests. "Comm'n, you know Jayden, loves to take his time," he said in a chuckle, but Jules wasn't buyi

ing her on her bare but. Penelope moaned, both in pain and pleasure. Even tho

g to become a two-faced bitch." Her moans became louder. After what seemed like forever, he pulled out. Penelope fell on the bed; the whi

m the corner of her eyes. I'm sorry Jules. Meanwhile, Jayden was on the other side of the bed on both his knees, with his phone in his hand. A

oceeded to squeeze her rock-hard nipples and she moaned again. And with no second thought, he was inside her

ng to make out something from the noise she h

r mouth instantly. "P..... How could?" The two had let loose of each other th

loud, deep laughter that basked in mockery."You know I thought you were smarter. Like you'd be hard to get through. But all bitches are the same yo!" He laughed again, this time stroking his long hard dick. "You're a good boy. Two bitches!" Jules Cam

you? All I've ever done is be a good friend to you." "Don't you dare play that card with me. You knew I liked Jayden, yet you went after him. Everything I wanted you always took. Guess what sweetheart, I'm going to take everything back!" Jules hit her again and she fell to the floor. Jules was short of words so she just cried. "But I asked you if you were okay with it and you said you were. Why this? " "Of course, I'd be f

with both of you. Out!" "Even if I Jayden?" Penelope asked, in a tone that attempted to sound seductive. "Especially you bitch. Get out" Jules looked at him in the eyes, like that would melt his heart.

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