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My Wife's Lover Got A Beautiful Girlfriend

Chapter 2 ★

Word Count: 991    |    Released on: 21/08/2021

brisked the ashes away. The two men sat well on the sofa in

n anger and checked the message again. It was another video of his wife entering into the grand hotel with another man. Daniel Octavo was too annoyed with the Informa

on but he didn't think his friend would react in such manner. Rather than this, he s

ne and dialed some couple of numbers while Daniel looked into space. He also lik

ttered. Then, he took up and picked his keys while Daniel did t

avo was seeing another man. He felt inferiror. Wasnt he enough? He would go to any length to please her. Maybe h

e mood, he didn't want to be a part of it but he really needed to ask Cleo why she chea

he face looked gloomy and tired. He rubbed his eyes and walked further. Just then, at the side of the hotel passage way that shows each and every of the room, voice of a gi

Gently, he turned to the figure which had hugged him with shaky hands and unstable breathe. He was taller so he had to bend down to see he

half naked and his d!ck had raised up showing he was in the mood. He looked at the fragile girl with hungry eyes and walked towards her to yank her from Da

he head of the military office and you will see that this man will be the one to hold you still while I go inside of you" The man talked so arrogantly tha

g for the counselor's post?" He asked and the

to hide behind him but he moved away. Then, the girl accepted that she was

didn't yell too much which was very creepy. Ella Kelsey looked up at Da

d anything to say. He pointed to Ella and yelled "

d Daniel had no option but to look at her. She looked as fragile and innocent as a puppy. Because her hair was poured down, Daniel recognise her as the lady from the other nigh

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