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Richard Carvel -- Volume 02


Word Count: 4606    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

s early June, the birds were singing in the garden, and t

my illness cheated you out of your festival last year. I


albeit you are grown, and Miss Dolly is the belle of the province. 'Tis like sunshine into my old heart to see the lads and lasses again, and to hear the merry, merry fiddling. I will have his new Excellency, who seems a good and a kindly man

man, who gave his order then and there. He nev

lis," says he. "And I catch any old people about, they

de anothe

ear, please your honour," sa

d you for that, boy. 'Twas like a Carvel. And I love that lass, Whig or no Whig. 'Pon my soul, I do. She hath demureness and dignity, and suits me better than yon whims

one since then, when this old man you call grandfather, and some-bless me!-great-grandfather, was a lusty lad like Comyn here. But hi

er, Bess! Yes, truly, you have Dolly's hair, with the very gloss upon it. But fashions have changed, my child, and that is not as Dolly wore it." Whereupon Bess goes to the portrait, and presently comes back to give me a start. And then we go hand in hand up the stairs of Calvert House even to the garret, where an old cedar chest is laid away under the eaves. Bess, the minx, well knows it, and takes out a prim little gown with the white fading yellow, and white silk mits without fingers, and white stockings with clocks, and a gauze ca

ear, you are cr

not yet gone out

irt in one hand and her fan in the other, and I in a brave blue coat, and pumps with gold buttons, and a cocked hat of the newest fashion. I ha

u to walk to the party, as w

and for me to take. "And you are eighteen years to-day! It seems but last year when we skipped

t Lucy in a new turban, making a curtsey to me. "La, Marse Richard!" said she, "to think you'se

hat to me, Aunt Lucy,"

's bl

mammy," said my lady, withd

De ole woman doan't

ack to a respe

augh. "I mean to enjoy myself to-day, Richard. But I fear I shall not s

ee as much a

n of late, sir? In

e as the sky,-to-day sunny, and to-morrow cold

e turned the corner, an

you find me, dear Richard. To-

at the theatre my hopes had risen for the hundredth time, but I had gone to Prince George Street on the morrow to meet another reb

ppy, Dolly?" I

silly question!" she

believe y

me, and then down at the pe

day festival, Richard. Could we wi

be, for I mig

ich stood Diomedes and Hugo in the family claret-red. A coach was drawn up, and a

y old trees, and thence you descended by stately tiers until you came to the level which held the dancers. Beyond that, and lower still, a lilied pond widened out of the sluggish brook with a cool and rustic spring-house at one end. The spring-house was thatched, with windows

e sward beside the fiddlers, his old friend

lor hearts in town!" said he, gayly. "What was my prediction,

do me wrong

ess it were tit for tat," said my grandfather; thereby putti

. Carvel, when we are o


immediately, as I ex

were already there, and

ng the guests, and pres


ctions. You are right welcome, Mr. Swain. Scipio, another chair! 'Tis not over the wall any

er hoop, her stays laced so that she limped, and her hair wonderfully and fearfully arranged by her Frenchman. Neither she nor Grafton was slow to shower congratulations upon my grandfather and myself. Mr. Marmaduke

s day, eighteen years

r mother was that she h

r a son. I hope you wil

They were both dear,

's harsher voice

such beauty as your daughter's. You will have to take her home, Mrs. Manners, to do her just

side of the upper terrace, whence I could see the changing figures on the green. And I thought of the birthday festivals Dolly and I had spent here, almost since we were of an age to walk. Wet June days, when the broad wings of the house rang with the sound of silver laughter and pattering feet, and echoed with music from the hall; and merry June days, when the la

rked Dorothy am

e carried herself full as well, so well that his Excellency and the gentlemen about him applauded heartily. As the strains died away and the couples moved off among the privet-lined paths, I went slowly down the terrace. Dorothy had come up to speak to her mother, Dr

ight as comes to a man in a lifetime. Why were you not here to see Miss Manners

sir, from a safe d

ard glance from under her long lashes. "I'll warrant your eye

e jollier than he on holiday occasions: and the group of ladies and ge

ency confess like

to all the world that she hath the re

d makes Dolly a low reverence, kissing the tips of her

o no less than sue for


o nimble as I once was. I resign in yo

at even one who had been governor of the province could command her. The music was just begun again, and I making o

gs to Richard, d

grace; while I, in no small bewilderment, walked off with Dorothy. And a parting shot of the delighted colonel brought

ed to ask you to d

ping off alone, with a p

you, as I told

u assert yourself, Richard? There w

uked me for dangl

ngleton, while I swung Patty, who squeezed my hand in return. And soon we were in the heat of it,-sober minuet no longer, but romp and riot, the screams of the

Richard?" she whispere

down the

igh, and then back under the clasped hands in the midst of a fire of ra

sed to play fairy godmother, and win



I exclaimed, wonderin

length we came to the damp shade where the brook dived under the corner of the wall. I stooped to gather the lil

went away, Richard?" s

" I cried, my voice faili

d sorely, tho' you gi

, Richard. Papa has decided that we sail


she, dropping a deep curtsey. "Your Majesty, thi

th a blank face. "Surely you ca

ons to send our things a

n I have told. You shou

left me. Dolly continued to twine the flowers. Through the trees sifted the voices and the

lad to go?

readily. "I shall see the world,

nd to meet people of conse

e, Richard! What peopl

the honourable members

ave his Excellency's i

scarce bette

h at this, knowing well that she had culle

I. "We shall have no lack

" she retorted. "I know

Dr. Franklin a

p the grass savag

miss!" I cried, getting to my feet. "You would rather be a lady of fashion tha

ghing, she chose a little bunch of th

!" she said; "I dote upon

other feelings, now starting away, now co

u would marry an earl,

ot care for any of

ked at me with exquisite archness over her shoulder. The low tones of her

coming to Oxf

erly. "I fear not, now. Mr. Carvel

, another mood coming li


foot. "Sometimes I despise gallantry. I hate the smooth compliments of

rothy?" I ask

id she. "Now tak

aces before we heard a h

lover and

th a ho, with

harpe, straying along a

shutters of oak. The good ship Annapolis, which was to carry my playmate to broader scenes, lay among the shipping, in the gray roads just quickening with returning light. How my heart ached that morning none shall ever know. But, as the sun shot a burning line across the water, a new salt breeze sprang up

a pungy from the dock, when I perceived a dozen boats about the packet; and when I thrust my shoulders through the gangway, there was the company gathered at the mainmast. They made a gay bit of colour,-Dr. Courtenay in a green coat lace

hin, for we had had one of our changes of weather. It was

heard her cry. "H

s she came out of the group, her lips parted, and the red of he

eyes looking reproachfully into mine. "Anothe

ff the caps, the captain on deck, a

h to wish you good-

," said my lady, making a face

e feared Dorothy would fall in love with some provincial beau before he could get her within reach of a title. When he observed me talking to her, he hurried away from the friends come to see hi

ss you more than any of

u not, m

to Mrs. Manners, who was standing apart, looking shoreward. Sh

back soon, Mrs.

e in her voice. "I hope it will be no longer than a year, for

ctor and his rivals at their adieus. Courtenay had at his command an hundred subterfuges to outwit his fellows, and so manoeuvred that he was the last of them over the side. As for me, luckily, I was not worth a thought. But as the doctor leaned over her

side glance at me, "the wisdom of Solomo

roses! When at length the impatient mate had hurried him

ot forget your old playmate

nt she threw open her cloak, and pinned to her g

e big ship was already sliding in the water as I leaped into my pungy, whic

down the bay, and never anothe

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