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The Forgotten Wolf (The Tears of Odin)

Chapter 3 Odinlete Wolves (Part 1)

Word Count: 741    |    Released on: 19/08/2021

e saw her friend, Owens, a black hu

Odin? Can I follow you?".

om of the Crescent and no yo


n't like snake like I do and would do ever

here". Owen said. Odin patted hi

girl. She didn't know why she wasn't scared of it

" The Python asked

you". Odin rep

eared in the eye

just r

you h

miling and continued "I wan

its shock state and nodded "O

rs ago, Odin and the p

was disappointed when she saw how it was. The great ki

that this kingdom would be

iful but how could a kingdom be beautiful whe

kingdom? Does it mean that the king do not know that hi

unanswered as she walked

e anything worth of seeing to

in that kingdom". Odin said to hersel

ntered the forest,


around her, seeing no o

ange, maybe I am n

and continu

e voice c

allucination, the voice was real

ted heading to another path of the

no longer in contro

ading too? Sh

By the side of the clearing was

y am I here? She though

his time the voice

oming out fr

ling out her name, asking for help? Who a

crossed her mind when she he

us". The voi

she ventured into the dark cave. Her fee

e, she heard noth

p when she saw fi

things? Are they mo

et the hell out of there wh

en by the wall b

d towards the wall and saw

to say t

ing the writings and did n

strange word, not making sense to he

had earlier seen before she started reading


low, black and

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