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Endless Love (A short Story)

Chapter 9 8

Word Count: 438    |    Released on: 16/08/2021

, baby girl. "I said and

don't look like one? " s

irl. Did you forget me already?

by's sister. My be

e baby girl! Come


endall eat." Hadley said but this c

kay, Au

tor? Thank god you were, this boy doesn't study h


quickly drink water. I w

hispered the last part and glared at

ler will study hard now and will

s, he

gs a lot of bitch here----

our mouth

and he took them in his room and made some strange noise. I

ide open. Where does she hear those w

aying." I answered an

other is on top and the girl

id you s

ere it came from and I heard it in his room. I was going to knock w

thing uhm uh not so a

what do they play?

's not good for a baby like you. And no you can't do that. Y


et everything you see. And don

y he

ely. Hoooo th

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