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Rainbow Valley


Word Count: 1598    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

to church with them the next day.

o church over-ha

I could get off. I was mighty thankful to go to some place where I could

d by Faith offering the lo

two of the buttons are of

ttons on in a ji

day," said

eed. You just gimme a needle and thread an

haviour was quite conventional, and though some wondered who the shabby little girl with the manse children was she did not attract much attentio

just in front of the manse pew, turned suddenly and looked the child over from top to toe. Mary,

for? Such manners! I'm GLAD stuck my tongue out at her. I wish I'd stuck it farther out.

ren forgot to look for her. Mary was apparently a fixture a

winters since I come to Mrs. Wiley's and I've had all I want of THAT. I'm sick and tired of being

aw you. He is awfull

actions. That's all I want. You fellows go and I'll stay home.

bed-tick, she sewed on missing buttons, she patched clothes neatly, she even invaded the study with broom and dustpan and ordered Mr. Meredith out while she put it to rights. But there was one department with whi

he told the manse children indignantly. "There'd be no more 'ditto'-and no m

e cat. He's hers, y

ey belong to the old Nick. You can tell that by their eyes. Well, if old Martha

nbow Valley. Mary refused to play in the gra

hing as ghosts," d

in't t

u ever

'em," said

they like?

in white with skellington

you do?"

yes and blushed. Mary was a good deal in awe of Walter. She

er told when I look into them,"

athed to him she was immensely pleased and flattered. She also won Carl's heart entirely by her interest in his beetles and ants. It cou

yed doll with consideration; but when Una showed her other prized treasure-a picture of an angel carrying a baby, presumably to heaven, Mary declared that it looked too much like a ghost for her. Una crept away to her room and cried over this, but Mary hunted her out, hugged her repentantly and implored forgiveness. No one could kee

em into the toothsome qualities of the "sours" that grew in the niches of the graveyard dyke, and she could make the most wonderful shadow pictures on the walls with her long, flexible fingers. And when they all went picking gum in Rainbow Valley Mary always got "the biggest

. Wiley hain't been after me," sa

about you at all," said Una. "The

Mrs. Wiley'll be here yet. SHE'S got a rod in pickle for me all right. I don't think about it so much in daytime but say, girls, up there in that garret at night I git to thinking and thinking of it, til

aith indignantly. "Father w

f envy, half of superiority. "You don't know what I've come

THINK they were sometimes sp

just spanked me I'd have thought they were petting me. Well, it ain't a fair world

Mary," said Una reproachfully. "Yo

say if I liked you wouldn't make such a fuss over darn. And yo

e ghosts you said yo


id see something queer one night when I was passing the over-harbour graveyard, true's you live. I dunno whether 'twas a gho

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