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Sinners' Love

Sinners' Love


Chapter 1 Prologue

Word Count: 425    |    Released on: 10/08/2021

omes in unannounced tha

irst time she was spending the night at her boyfriend's. They had been together for

shirt that stretched across his chest nicely, and a leather jacket that completed his bad boy look. He had messy dark brown hair that made him look like he

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own ears. She shook her head inwardly, stee

widened and she had to grip the door for fear of

her words, when all she wanted to do was do as she was

She chastis

oor open with his hand, ignoring her st


ge suitcases behind him, his laptop case dangling by his side,

ad no notion of responsibility, and many other things according to her boyfriend. He had, however, failed to mention he was such

had previously made crumbled t

out of her, but exc

een a goody-two-shoes. Some part of her thought it

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