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Arranged to the devil

Chapter 4 Four

Word Count: 848    |    Released on: 08/08/2021

ire W

s because I have a zoom call with a patient today at one pm Andrew who tried commiting suicide due post trauma disea

cuddled more with my fluffy lavender scented p

tartled as I tumbled on the floor with my

y're crazy as I groaned because my butt just kissed the

lent of falling down".E

t do you

I ran my hands through my darkish brow

d a party with us at

nts me to go to a party well this

rolled his eyes"But no

re, what


ch is blue saggy big shirt with my name with and matching pants and

I said as his

o sap

ave your w

le "I think I'm in love".He sa

ou were like you can't fall in

love with two w

in squirming my eyes as he looked confused


remember I'm like a big sister to you and I'm pretty sure that those women ar

on in that pretty min

u that it's pretty

ce as she shakes his head at me"You ma

'm not the best

s you sapphire it m

ou on Wednesday at


an even being a the baboon he's kinda of handsome with his masculine body and c

cook now, I take some water to calm my stomach down but my stomach is defiant about the food and I can't

maybe get a snack from somewhere like the supermarket dum

as I chose a cup of spicy ramen with some Doritos to go with my KitKats

began to walk back home munching my snack without a car

's so wild when she's drunk not giving to fuck

I get bored as I pick out blue SheIn cut out the tie ruf

to go Fire"

waist with my name necklace dangling on my name with my hair dancing with the wind and my

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