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Polly of Pebbly Pit


Word Count: 3934    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

rls?" called Anne,

," said Eleanor, showing the ha

led boots for walking about this place, you know," returned Anne, noting

walking shoes. Won't these Cuban heel

for a twisted ank

walk till to-morrow," s

I'm not so sure but that will be the most delightful thing to d

acing us so!" crie

-morrow-or maybe this afternoon, if you find the cliffs disappointing-I ca

y made a suggestion. "Bob's feet seem to be about the same s

! Why can't I borrow a pair of her c

e broad as are most country girls. You would rui

s been very careful of Polly's feet, as I can see no advantage in ruining a chil

ings in Oak Creek?" c


in Denver and Chica

the need for our class." And Ba

oes we had made on the scientific

ce looking at the far-off peaks. Eleanor and Mrs. Brewster glanced at each other, and finding a similar

to be good and elevating for you, Bob," be

uggested Anne, holding out

sion soles. Eleanor took them, turned down the top and looked

ve to come to Pebbly Pit and find our pet label in Polly's

lf with trying on Anne's tennis shoes. Eleanor sat down

med she, holding out one fo

comfortably, do let's start before some oth

ffs, and Mrs. Brewster went indoors to cook some old-fashioned dou

veled in the exhilarating air and bright morning sunshine. Reaching the first cliffs, Polly explained ab

d not her tender feet that caused the pain and ache. So the girls sat down to rest, while Polly told of trips to other volcanic

, leaning out over a fragment of lava to see who was passing by. But Jeb did not pass

re resting on the Giant

held out a huge paper bag that had great greas

you-all, ez Ah come by. She sez fer y

exclaimed Eleanor, as Polly

d Jeb, anxiously watching Polly hand one to Anne

Barbara, holding the doughnut fastidi

' cook 'em by. Ah likes 'em, howsomeever, grease an' all!" retu

" Eleanor smacked her

sible!" And Barbara raised her hand

ever waste anything worth while. The chickens and pi

e saw Jeb at the foot of the cliff, glancing up to see if an

. They reared their heads more than sixty feet high and were so oddly shaped that they derived their

passing them, one reached a semi-circle of cliffs standing about a natural arena. Opposite

examine them closer, you will find they have queer faces and all sorts of strange pa

ge as Yale Campus, isn't it?" said Ele

rge scale-even the hearts of the owners

ng, Anne-not the feet

g a teasing loo

the great pit yonder, when the volcano was active in the centuries l

g low as if to launch an arrow at the enemy. And see those-erect with proud mien, in defiance of all othe

old demon spit fire at them from the active volcano," said E

how mother trembles at your picked-up words from brot

when they were flung aside as useless in the evolutio

u 'atmosphere' for that story you want to wri

oked at her in surprise.

I never heard of?

ed me I could do it. She is only teasing, as usual," laughed Anne, and at the first opportu

g peaks of lava. This chasm descended abruptly to a depth of over five hundred feet and then as abruptly ascended

hrough the Devil's C

means!" ex

ht of bringing the c

best views to get," quickly replied Anne, gl

and plot out a preface for Anne's book," said exhausted Eleano

eanor while you two go down an

s to be seen and be back shortly," a

lly pointed out different familiar spots and mountain peaks

l of this great estate f

ean-that he cleared it of timb

cy no! I never thought of that

er never had to clear the place much as it

her made him do it to get her a French car this spring. If your father was my father and owned

ecidedly from Polly, with

n. "Say, Polly, my father woul

"Polly, how does it feel to own such wonderful things as

s remember who owns them. Everybody is welcome to help th

is worth?" now asked Eleanor, showin

r thought of his being wort

ast farm, or the wheat and other products he ships and

ney he may be worth. Maybe a hundred thousand dollars for the land, and maybe another hundred thousand in cattle. I've heard Jo

u say he refused?"

er companion. She was surprised at

y should I?" she

must have b

should I joke?"

mother making her own butter and helping in housework! Anne says she even spins her own linen towels and knits your stocking

e just likes to do it for us, and it sure does make a home!" d

e, so where would the home be if we didn't have servants and folks to do for us?"

r do, Nolla?" asked P

s, or theater parties, in season. Other times she has her clubs and Welfare Work-she is President of a Charity Work, you see, and has to add

o leave home to live in Denver all last winter," said Polly, a compass

om Eleanor, shortly; then she said tend

s'pose my mother would have stayed at home when I was with strangers in Denver? I reckon not! All the b

hought of a love that would sacrifice the world for a beloved child. Would her m

!" said Eleanor, exultantly, the moment she re


o think I am poking fun at you, 'cause I'm not, but the way you slick back your hair into two long braids and the baggy skirts you

but also because she hoped Eleanor would turn out to be a staunch friend. Now,

here isn't any dress-maker in Oak Creek better'n my mother. But she doesn't have muc

sing that awful ranch-wagon? And why doesn't he hire servants to do the wor

n the mountains, that I generally lived in my riding clothes during vacations. But my shoes are as good as

still had to prove that her father had money.

He went so far as to have an expert mineralogist come over here to examine the stones. This man was out west on business for Tom Latimer's father, and Tom said it would cost n

o you know him?

for several weeks and we had the

. In fact he is older than Bob, as she found out when she tried to capture

be about John's age. But he acted like a big boy, so we had fine times," e

. Oh, how she will envy you your chance. Why, she did everything on earth but flin

plendid. I asked him why he didn't marry her, and he teased me by saying I wanted to know too much. But he did

hide her real meaning. She saw that her young companion had really no thought of love for herself or

ne liked Tom Lat

of my brother's and her brother's. You see, Anne's broth

met your brother or Paul. Mother said I was too young to appear in th

o clever in his engineering class. Is t

t suppose mother will feel proud of him until he marries a r

willing to hear more along the same lines, but Anne and Bar

dering what kept u

en getting acquainted," replied

's go and visit Rainb

follow," said Eleanor, lin

in, and she had felt very diffident with these city girls after their arrival. But the short talk while sitting on the bowlder not only e

e the jeweled stones shone resplendent from the side-walls and

er saw such a dazzling sight as these green, bl

they are real jewels!" sighed Barbara, gazi

remarked Eleanor, taking up a handful of the pebbles and letting them run betwe

claimed Barbara,

of us to speak of it, as he fears John and I will have our heads

h satisfaction, for sh

ousand fold in Bar

have on the money this would bring!" sighed Barbara, glancing up

these cliffs as soon as he finishes his

be his partner!" added Eleano

tell you that, at

she know him?" as

nd he are great friends of

und friend's mis-statement of facts. But Eleanor had done it all for friendship's sake. She knew what a radical change all this inf

nd the girls started for the house, with

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