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The Rejected Hybrid

Chapter 4 Episode 4

Word Count: 1109    |    Released on: 02/08/2021

I heard my wolf sigh in t

other word, I just pulled into a red gown and wore

r lips in pain, the different coloured eyes isn't fa

of mystery

gave me a wide gap with

n't my

happen to me in

d freeze, my whole body went stiff that I couldn't

myself drawing my feet further, just then, my gaze f

s were so weak to carry me further, I paused my pace know

ewolf, the use of the wolfsbane in chec

would pass through heart breaking pain, it would seem like life was oozing away, every bone would be cracked, the muscles would be p

n three times and hadn't chan

he ground in the middle of the hall, just everyone ha

e with me, her first pregnancy caused her death, she wasn't aware of the demon in her belly, I would have doubt that she is the killer if there was no dif

istened wi

g quite afraid that she may one day shift into that demon in her and cause havoc among my household..." He paused and glanced at me, I was also s

good history of her and won't doubt her words, she had been a sorcerer for many years...we use this mediu

was dressed in a red robe and had her own concoction in her palm, t

pass through it again but it seem my prayer isn't going to b

e?" she asked pee

eplied quickly

name?" she gruffed

saw his deep frown, it

n really m

surname sounding weird in my lips, it h

you had been hearing, it would make me decipher the kind of demon in you but if you refuse to spit it then, you will have to drink thi

ns, I was just forced to even sneer

s is full of pains, I keep seeing my father and everyone hitting and treating me like a slave, as for voice talking to me,

ow where the co

guards!!!" my own father called out, he

see me, so he put the courage in her, my substance would show it to you all...

e it would work on

e!" I scoffed

er me but won't kill me and...I

my belly, before I felt blurry as the pain came in, I caugh

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