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Hanna's revenge

Chapter 5 Hanna's love for Matin

Word Count: 2017    |    Released on: 14/10/2021

avid's phone number, I have your family in my hands let my fiance go or else am to put your family on fire. Am giving you 2 hours from now.she then hung up. David panicked he then calle

ould. But Hanna managed to compose her self with no expletion in her eyes, David let my Matin go, if you still want your family to see another day. David sighed and said stop what you are trying to do if you want me to let him go, you have to make sure you keep him out of my company and out of my life. Hanna looked straight in David's eyes and told him that we are not afraid of you and to collect you, I am you warst enemy not him, and to show you that am putting fire on your family, let me show you David, she said that with a smark on her face.She jast showed him a ditonat

ease excuse my behaviors today am very happy you are my every thing, you and fanney, I wish I could get my self kidnapped again and you tell me those wards I need to hear. Hanna smiled and said I wasn't kidding you full, I ment those words I said. I just realized how much I love you these few days you were missing. Matin smiled like fool am in the clouds now my dreams are coming true. Then Matin lowered his voice, and said please will you please marry me? Then Hanna smiled and said yes i will Matin ,but i have to fast finish what i stated. I love you Matin but i have to fast let go of my past. I need to do my revenge Matin, I won't marry you till that day. Please for give me.Then Matin smiled with a sad face and said i will wait for you until t

g me Matin? Am not threatening you David am doing this for some one dear to me and am going to make you pay for destroying her life. You will suffer and you will beg for for forgiveness and you will remember this day for sure.the

he was the one who got surprised. When she got in the office she saw a girl rubbing Matin,s trouser and Matin looked relaxed, that was not what Hanna expected to see. Hanna just turned and started to move. Get the hell away from me Matin said and started to run towards Hannah. Please Hanna stop, it is not what you are thinking. And what am I thinking am not even your wife. It is ok. you can do whatever you want with your life. I know you have your needs as a man. And here is your food. Excuse me I have to go. And Hanna left. she thought, why am I even mad at h

wait for her when she's ready. In Hanna's room she was thinking too, I love him and I want to have a good time with him.Or he don't love me anymore I just feel like I don't want this revenge anymore. I feel like my body want to give up. Good morning Hanna I hope you cooled off from last night am sorry I put you in that situation. Matin said. I am sorry too, I wanted too much from

kissed her and Hanna kissed him back. I love you Matin and am giving my self to you willingly please Matin make love to me. When Matin hard those words he was very happy and said please Hanna don't do this to your self if you dont want I will wait for you Hanna didn't let Matin to finish and kissed him and said you are westing my time i want you Matin to make love to me. If not today don't hou ever try to Pasue me now if you want what I want, please make love to me. Lets just for get our revenge for just this time. Matin looked gilty and said Hanna i didn't want to take advantage of you I love you more than you think and I wo

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