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Chapter 3 02.

Word Count: 2020    |    Released on: 30/07/2021


e yesterday and I can't possibly waste my talent on being a

few people actually thought he'd jilt me like every other friend I'

, I ended up developing feelings for him but it turns out he's

t understand is why in the world would your mother fire you only to give your job to that dumb sis

ind of idiot. I worked so hard for Elite fashion and what do I get in return? Nothing, absolutely

ou are talented and beautiful but you kept submitting yourself to your

and give them a run for their money." He laughed so loudly and I had to agree with him, my l

d the topic quickly, to avoid thinking too m

my company, Soul fashion or you try Annie's touch, but if I were to chose, it

nd my résumé?" I

d also help me pull some strings to get you employed much sooner." he shrugs and I


e to life but there was no way in hell, I'd tell this mom or

just found me on the street cause the h

voice sang carelessly and all I felt like doing to her at this m

ant that literally. Herself and mom had told me dad left nothing for me but that

" I drawled sarcastically, feelin

like the rag doll that you are. I mean look at you, you lost your job, your dignity and self est

verything from me, so what more do you want?" I

r how hard you try, you'll never be better than me and you'll always be beneath me. Don't you re

d that you are that child who should have never even been born. A good for n

gs to do." I hiss at her and with that, I walk off angrily, feeling more e

left me in the hands of my mot

mother and she would get it even if it was at my own expense. I thought I'd never give up on trying


eek l

al so loudly, I believe I may have damaged poor Martin's eardru

start from scratch right?" He asks and I'm won

now and I understand how things work? I'm no longer that kid

, do you have any idea what

ur last collection and after checking it out, he agreed to let you

d I thought the director is a she?" I voice out confuse

oman and the director is her son. I heard he took o

't wait!" I ask, feeling slightly a

l tim. I make it look easy but it's really wasn't easy so you need to work hard and don

id it a thousand times but I really love you boo. You are the best and if you weren't gay, I'd de


ately and not only was it a new beginning but it was

find my new team mates and I really hope they are friendly cause I'm ter

ow things would be like working here, getting lost in m

m so so sorry." I apologize over and over and when I look up to see the victim of my

ention too so it's not a problem." he re

hat I'm actually supposed to be on my table at this m

but can I ask a favo

ss, what can I

ffice but I don't have any idea where that is, can you direct me

right. It's actually not far from here." He replies q

he asks and I answer immediately

Thank you and please excuse me!" I blurt

my mouth. I had thousands of questions taunting me

worse, what if I get fired on the first day for not being good enough? All these thoughts pop in head ra

come here." I speak out and to be honest, I wasn't feeling comfortable at all. The s

ly heard of you. You are welcome to AT fashion.'" A tall handsome stud probably in his mid thirties and mos

ck." I reply with a small s

d." he says with a calm smile before tur

today. Now, don't be rude or impolite towards her and you better drop the silly j

there." he turns back to me pointing towa

s as quickly as I could and immediately take a sit only to fall

osened the screws of my chair and now everyone is laughing at me and when I turn to lo

much harder tha

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