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Peck's Bad Boy with the Cowboys

Chapter 9 No.9

Word Count: 1427    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

rgotten-The Fat Lady and the Bearded Woman Give Pa the Cold Shoulder-Pa Fin

last date of the season, before going to winter quarters. It was a sad home coming, 'caus

was around the ticket wagon getting ready to go in. Pa went up to the ticket taker at the entrance and said, "hello, Bill," and wa

ou see pa's face was all red and sore where the buffaloes had licked him, and the buffaloes had licked all the hair dye out of his hair and whiskers, and they were as white as the driven snow. Pa looked 20 years older than when he went west. While they were arguing about Pa and examining him to see if he had smallpox, I came up and Pa saw me and he said, "Hennery, ain't I your pa?" and I said "you can search me, that's what th

f Bouncers Took Pa by the

he said, "Hello, you seem to be taking on flesh, now that the show is goin

stars, and then cuffed pa's ears, and let him up. He went over to the bearded woman for sympathy, asked her how she had got along without him so long; and she got mad too and swatted Pa with her fist, and yelled for help. The giant came and was going to break Pa in two, and Pa asked the giant what

and tried to square themselves, but Pa was hot enou

d to get him in the cage and tear out his tenderloin; the elephants wanted to catch Pa and walk on his frame. The only friends Pa seemed to have was the sacred bull and cow, who let him come near them, and when they

west seat near the ring, and the performers guyed Pa for a Hoosier, and the lemonade butchers tried to sell Pa lemona

d black again, and put on his old checkered vest, and big plug hat, and two-pound watch chain, and they would all know him. So Pa had his hair and whiskers colored natural, and dressed up in the old way, and at evening we went back and stood around the tent

was over, and the audience had gone, all the managers and everybody connected with the show gathered in the ring to bid each other good bye, and make presents to each other. Everybody made speeches

. We went down to the hotel and the managers listened to the reading of a statement from the treasur

d of being crooked. Make the people laugh and forget their troubles, and you are a benefactor, but if your show is so bad that it makes them kick and find fault, and wish they had stayed at home, you might as well put crape on the grand entrance, and go out of the business. The animals in a show are just like the people we meet in society

g him straight in the eye,

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