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Our Pilots in the Air

Our Pilots in the Air



Word Count: 1797    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

etically named a river. By here I mean eastern France, not so many miles from No-Man's-Land. The "striking" feature was the "Flying Camp" spread out over a dead level of much trampled gree

enues intersecting them, and larger open spaces

men in khaki and wearing the aviator cap were gazing, commenting humorously or otherwise. A

on the qui vive at 7 p.m. tonight. Specific

outsider might thin

r of a smaller companion beside him and tweaking the other's ear, "does this mean

rvous, sprightly youngster, dark-eyed, curly-heade

t when we made that las

noticed your hands on

he monoplane hadn't hel

ve got out somehow, but it was

i but with different fittings or insignia, gathered a

s everlasting bombing that goes on, mostly by night. We're chums, Orry; we work together all right. There is no one i

aerodrome station, which was somewhere on that sect

wo big handles. Say, how'd they come to call you Lafay

m only an ordinary chap, but with those names every no

nched the other's massive

you weigh one-eighty

ing. Finally he an

you and me take out that neat little Bleriot. We'll do our share of bombing of course;

head dubiously

ow. We're practicing with the Tommies. He likes the way

commander was checking off the different machines and assigning to each the various occupants. All this on a pad, in one of the hangars, with no o

he reflected, half alou

that Cheval's arm i

risky. Won't do to le

! Who

American was beside him, standing respectfully

eferential was Blaine's

minute said nothing, bu

e home, under his direction of course. You ask him if I am not competent to handl

too young, too inexp

is judgment is. If I am to have an observer,

dous bluff. He knew it, and he knew that Blaine probably knew

More, for by adroit manipulation of a certain lock, with wrench and a pair of tweezers, he readjusted a certain valve hinge in the petrol tank w

up so much mechanica

every applicant in the shops - some

idn't keep you there?"

ed there was a prize offered for flying to Manhattan and back, going round the Liberty Statue. I got hold of an old Curtis machine and somehow I came back second in th

en smiled and jotted so

is not well enough to go with you -

has gone with me on sever

or killed, could he br

but he - he's rather modest. In fact, if I don't get C

you have to do without Cheval, bring that youngster who is so modest to me. I will judge." And t

rican he raised up to a sitting position, disclosing his right arm and wrist still in splints and bandages. Moreover the pains of moving

er welcome - mooch so! Wish mooch

tes once, though only for a short time. But he had learned "ze language" - after a fashion. When Blaine briefl

at all! I no use to myself. Voila! I got well queek; better so here; not over yon in No-Man's-

pal and comrade, Orris Erwin, was

ly upward into the sky, "we will fetch her back all right. Good luck! Try t

tter's cubbyhole of an office, while a stream of khaki-clad young men filed in on

rm, aside from other injuries. I spoke to Captain Byers about you. He was reluctant, but owing to the newness of

y from Blaine, while Orris smiled behind his

eyes twinkled. "You know what I mean. Can you bring t

so. I've often fl

is sharp reply f

ge, Sir. Brenzer, the pilot, was kille

n over s

tioned at Aldershot, as assistant trainer

oth Anson gave, th

for chow at regular time. Then awai

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