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Bad Boy!? My Foot!

Chapter 3 Three

Word Count: 1163    |    Released on: 20/07/2021

t as if I was seeing my reflection in whoever he

dangerous. It's righteously said a rogue always recognises the other rogues. Not to befriend them, bu

Why aren't you eating?" Henry

something is on my

" Jaco

ings," Charlie said and start

ses. I plan to find out who that m

ed and finish


ust a waste of energy and time. Just go away, Alan thought, putting his head down

ject. We will have a group meeting. Can you give me your pho

alone. Why isn't she going away? Ah! How do I reply? W

Sing tapped o

't disturb me from now on." He didn't want to be rude but when he is confused about how to react he generally reacts with an i

s that? He is... Aaah! Fine

idea. I wish I had a shell like a snail. I would crawl whenever I wanted and then hide in my she

t even see and walk, Alan th

ee and walk?

re you ok?"

le him," Daniel walked

! I hate such people. Minding everyone els

in no mood to fi

less, Alan didn't say a word

id you let him

ng that's against my value is triggered. Let's go to the Square. I don't want to waste my time on trivial matte

g class that day, so he he

t and no one has come," Henry said, lying on an old, d

uld be a ghost

oy, so it was a boy. I will find

here once and might not

r parents allow you to s

a group study at your ho

d the same thin

," Dani

Henry's house," Charlie was pale

end of your father. What if

ck before our parents ca

ng. We are just at our secret hiding plac

ur parents are conservative. Papa will break my legs, if he finds out that I am not

ubborn..." Henry pushed him out of the square. Just when they

of courage, they looked at who was calling and were

arents won't even let me meet

l break my leg

me and no money for

ell them you were with me at Bermuda square," Charlie said looking

nt of our parents. Guys, I am going. Bye," Daniel hopped on his bike and headed

and picked up

l block your credit card if you don't come wit

l e

does he always block my

parking area of his house, whi

ed the main hall of the apartment, "Sir! You

is dad

to pieces," Blake Swift, Charlie's dad, got up from the huge, importe

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