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Chapter 1 I got away

Word Count: 4323    |    Released on: 18/07/2021

nts, black tank top, black skate shoes, black safety gear; in fact, the only non-black would be the toxic green dripping skull de

V-neck t-shirt that was glued to his back with sweat. His helmet was unbuckled, the straps loose and swinging against his jaw, but he still had his guards on.

you're gonna destroy my eardrums and I

r praises of "insanely rad-tastic killer moves", his exact wor

fist-bumped, guy-hugged, and thanked the many other spectators and skaters who came up to her until she was stopped by a tense hand on her

last kick-flip was pretty good but your finish was a bit..." She m

rever burned into Ty's hit list, growled and his scowl deepened. His blue eyes darke

often, she still got pissed as hell. The amount of male stupidity and perverseness

eturned to interrupt, "Then what do you think just happened, Friedman?" Drew stood beside Ty and his mere presence calmed her considerabl

create masks of confusion. She answered their unvoiced questions, "You know that thinking isn't his strongest o

jaw, before he struggled to keep his laughter down as he agreed. He threw on an apologetic look with all the sincerity of the most narcissistic narcissist calling someone else more beautiful towards Friedman before waving a

oly shit...did you....see....their.....faces? Shit, that...was fucking

bent over using the other as a stand so as to not writhe on the concrete floor. They received a few curious glances, but were ot

lushed and they were panting, trying to recover the air they lost in their laughing fit. If one didn't kno

ou all know my name so use it, dipshits," Ty answered with a grin

, the shorter of the two had dark brown while Henry had light blue. The redhead, Fred Fox, had short curls paired with light brown eyes that reflected his emotions no matter how hard he tried to hide them. The dark haired boy, Grant Malcolm had an army-like buzz cut with

pierceth my pride! To put me in such a place and name me a mere shadow's shadow? Thou art no longer m

is the fifteenth time, Drama K

rve me grapes and shit whenever I want. Also, since I'm a royal and the

ho was watching the normal display with open amusement. "So Ty, you coming to Sal's? So

ecent hairstyle helped acquire. It also didn't help that the same day he first appeared outside with the new do, his

c'mon Ty! It's a celebratory pa

, Rinny, I can't. I gotta go home. The 'rents are coming back and I have to be there to 'welcome them'. Trust me, I'd much rather stuff my face at Sal's than spend

and Jimmy. They knew about the complications of Ty's more or less dysfunctional family but never pressed her and gave her space when shit hit the fan at home.

do Monday's homework." After she got skeptical looks from the five she amended, "Okay, I'll probably end up playing Skyrim or something and not bother looking for where my homework is. Anyway, I've got so

ng onto her board. She rolled along silently, the long since familiar and comforting sound of wheels turning on corrode

fferent and of a plentiful variety. It wouldn't be far from the truth to say that Ty was loaded. Both her parents came from old money. A lot of old money. Adding to their wealth, her fat

y wanted to be the perfect rich family and forced Ty to behave accordingly. She put up with it to please them, but soon realized nothing was

what her parents forced her to do, such as tennis, golf and swimming, but great at what her parents disapproved of and was "unfit for a girl" like skateboarding, basketball and rugby, or American football as her friends repeatedly corrected her. C

ble in and sometimes still do, recalling her less than happy childhood relating to her negl

hts were the lamps' dull orangey-yellow glow that flickered inconsistently since no one bothered to replace a few measly bulbs in a l

of a gunshot. At least it was a gunshot if TV, movie

while the other stood completely unharmed and unfazed. Her eyes widened and her body froze in paralyzed fear and shock as she took in how the fallen man had stilled, now a fre


here was that fucking GUNSHOT. Why am I

rtant enough to notice. In a matter of seconds, the two groups were attacking each other. More gunshots echoed, mixed with sounds of pain and agony

in amazed horror as the two groups clashed. She differentiated the groups by color. The first group was in bland brown clothing wh

hat sliced the arm of a Brown, drawing blood and a pained grunt. They carried on, and she watched, unnoticed a

surprise decorated his face. The Blues noticed and turned around to discover Ty g

mping her heart and making her gain speed. She just reached the park exit when an object hit her back, making her lose her balance and fall forward. She took the crash with her hands and knees, thankful for safety gear. She quickly

to be held ransom considering who her parents were. Her shoes slapped the sidewalk and her breathing became ragged and shallow. She didn't look behind for f

, she finally looked back and

nife or potato-wielding killer but only saw empty streets, stray cats and flickering street lamps. Her ear

did use the board still in her hands to whack the man's head completely out of pure instinct. He fell over backwards, unable to do anyt

porarily knocked out without a backward glance. Her body was piloting completely o

turned she was greeted by three more. Looking left and right, her chances of escape diminished when t

that her fear was very well evident. Her frantic, panicked running was certainly a tipoff. Still, she tried to keep her voice firm when she spoke, "Leave me alone. I have nothing to do with you and I will not go to the police. I doubt they'd be able to do anything an

f hearing her speak. They only clo

her board tightened and her arms tensed

p me and then slowly kill me by dissecting me and selling

sp of pain that was muffled by the hand that clamped over her mouth. Her board fell from her grasp and almost clattered on the floor, but was caught by the man directly in front of her. The men grunted in hushed whispers and Ty

They won't let a witness live. Why did I take the long way? Why didn't I go to Sal's? My parent's don't actu

pulled up beside the group. Ty was immediately shoved in once the door opened and a little less than half the group entered the vehicle. Her hands were held behind her back, and on

with fight. She began to writhe and struggle, trying to release her hands despite the sharp stings of pain that erupted with every move. She thrashed her f

lunge forwards and punch the first person in sight. She socked him right in the eye and im

r, and her heart sped up when the door actually opened. They are fu

tely and jump out. She dived right out the door and landed on the pavement, her arms breaking her fall and getting sc

s climbed out. This time they had their guns out and aimed at her. Ty's heart stopped in fear and she paled visibly.

omeless high hobos, demon cats, broken lamps and creepy shops without pause. She barely noticed the drunkards too wasted to be of any

e, running angrily. The man who received her punch was leading and he looked pissed as hell.

ace decided to meet the puke stained floor, she felt a rush of air fly over her head, just ski

oot me! They SHOT AT ME! Holy shit. Chea

and quickly got back to her feet. Her legs and hands got cut numerous times by the bottles

tic escape. Her energy to run had been refueled at her extremely close contact with

ike a mad woman. Her luck shone through in the form of a very narrow crack in the wall that she could just f

even her breathing. She waited and mentally chanted, "Please don't look

loser to her location. She squeezed her eyes shut, rambling

s. I'll never pick up a bottle of alcohol or a cigarette again. I'll give Jimmy his video game I stole last month and Buzz's comic book from five months ago. I'l

n't slow down or stop, but kept going past her. Only when she was absolutely positive that t

knees and finally got a chance to catch her breath. Breathing h

kling turned into a muffled scream when an arm grabbed her around the waist from behind and the other hand pressed a cloth to

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