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Chapter 3 Fiancee candidate

Word Count: 1669    |    Released on: 18/07/2021

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anzato?" Dante asked, his brow furrowed into a sharp V. He had slipped f

his boss and old friend's sudden interest in having the girl, or any girl for that matter, mar

You three are also always in danger of dying early and none of you even have a girlfriend in the least, just the occasional hook up with som

tuttered shakily as she stood up wit

pointed to herself, "to...marry...one of them,

vior. He thought he had made himself quite clear and had refrained

this is some kind of joke, I wish I had a truckload of rotten t

though using a foreign language would not help his newly decided daughter-in-law understand completely. The girl's quick-changing, open emotions were refreshing as he was getting bored of the blan

ons, even if they are kinda hot!" she yelled with her hands gripping

s at Ty's declaration, even if she was having a minor panic attack at the

k or smoke yet!" she yelled again, this time she started pacing a few steps and her fists were shak

asingly frantic and unstable. He slowly stood up and calmly tried to ease her nervousness, "Okay, just cal

den shift in emotions temporarily confu

she calmly state

ong with raising his brow noticeably, when Ty picked up the sleek bl

o move. She took advantage of their temporary stunned behavior to grab Mario's shoulders and drive her knee up sharply. She hit her mark with complete accuracy and Mario released a

, the groaning body of Mario and then the opened door befor

ered daze. Luca went to his father to see how badly the vase c

of the fragile black vase that was now oddly shaped, glistening shards littering the floor and his desk.

s fine to Lorenzo. "That… stronza…I kill…her…" he grunte

lost and like a lab rat before seeing the painting of a dead tree that she had passed before. The staircase came to view and she ran up it, just like all escapees who seemed to have i

e household joining Carlos, Lorenzo

an up the smooth, polished wooden steps, passing uncounted floors until she reached a door. Struggling, she hurriedly fumbled to open the do

oof. She looked over to see that she was well above the ground and a large tree was the only thing that m

, seeing no way of a

e else

as alone, but she was certain that the others were following behind. He

he was breathing heavily, a flush on her face and her stormy eyes displayed her fear, fatigue but also the unrelenting stubbornness he had quickly learned she

came to the very edge of the roof. One more step and she'd fall over to h

the board closer to her chest and eyed Dante warily. "I just want to go home. You have no idea

s Ty and she was tempted to step backw

it, why do I even care? I don't, he quickly shoved the thought away. He was also surprised by her whiny r

she somehow missed something that would help her escape. A rope, moss covered

gging here, man," she pleaded, sti

d him, Carlos and Lorenzo had caught up alo

grumbled incoherently. They began to corner her, their alertness and def

did like the thrill of the chase and the final capture. Made his blood rush with excitement and a s

a crooked smirk that caught the men off guard, she tightened her grip on her board under her right arm, "

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