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His Wife

Chapter 3 Part 2

Word Count: 1116    |    Released on: 15/07/2021

the Sehgal Heights I st

I help you?" The r

t with Avyaan Sehgal" I said

y appointment?"

tell him that Shravya Arya is

ere is a girl Shravya

and she put th

m as he was busy discussing project with Ahaan


ped my feet

hat I am his to be fiance" this time

ren't interested in listening your fake story ev

an Sehgal.. I was feeling hu

here?" I turned h

her Devit Sehgal I sa

Shravya here"

u..you are Nitin's daughter" h

ction of his cabin because this receptionist has already wasted

He shouted on the receptio

n sir said--" I cut

need to shout at her

a call me uncle" he sai

epped inside the lift..I pressed the button of 7

anding outsi

then heard one voice "come i

here was one more guy inside who was

ng the files huh but they were literally chi

ed him up by clutching his collar "you bloody asshole?

I heard Ahaan murmu


you will meet her" Ahaan s

ady late I know she won't going to wait for me and I don't waste my

o much but it's just s

so much but it's just

olic brother"

is marriage thing I think you should give i

in every single thing" I mutter

still love anus-

" I stopped him from co

o admit it" he said and m

" I said gritt

ing wrong bro she does

utter more otherwise the consequences won't b

ou one thing you are still stuck there but she that witch she move

vya Arya wants to meet yo

e and don't disturb me I am discussi

" I cut t

ete this file" I

dle of fighting" he

t with you Babybro" I

baby" he pouted and laid down on the

ave to complete this file

e watch Ben 10 first" he sa

nt you are 22" I sa

e Babybro" he sai

nd started checking the file

I said fro

g the sound of hee

glaring at me angrily

utching my collar whil

are you? You freaking wast

mom dad chose for me.. what's h

aka" I heard A

indly leave I need to talk

yeah why not? You can TALK with him as much a

d he left wi

d my precious time" she shouted

ght she was indee

ted my time ughh I soo wanted to slam your handsome face on th

save myself!! What if she real


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