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Mr. Billionaire's Unwanted Bride

Chapter 5 Don't pretend

Word Count: 1347    |    Released on: 16/08/2021

entionally and she didn’t know how to react or what to do? How can she make him stay with her happily and stop him from going to the army? Memories

oing surgeries for cancer patients. When she came back she was surpris

Isabella’s heartbeat increased and she was curious why? With a gentle smil

bella’s face turned red and she smile

can feel out little doctor is so tired today” Dyl

spoke and Isabella’s heartbeat became a rapid fire. She didn’t know why they we

w and she was just shy. How can she tell th

lla couldn’t believe her ears and she felt like she was dreaming. Of course, she loves to

. How can I let him do that? He’s my only son and I love him more than anything in this w

us with it. You’re the great match for Dylan from the beginning.” Dela stopped and looked at Isabella who was

. Did she just agree? Both Dylan’s parents were shocked be

rld again and she could save her son but Dela hid something from Isabella and her parents. It was Dylan’s personality disorder. Dylan had a twin brother who died when he was five years old and after his death Dy

ill never let their innocent daughter marry a beast like man. Dela swore to herself that she would protect Isabella and tell her the

ng home tonight” Aunty Ella’s voice pulled Isabella back

couldn’t understand why her young master treated his wife like that. When she saw the blood patch on the bed sheet while she was cleaning rooms her heart tightened and as an eldarly woman she knew tha

ht. With a sorrow filled sigh aunty Ella went to clean the table while Isabe


her calls. Isabella gave up on calling him and going to meet him because he refused to see her for two day

chen. Aunty Ella was really happy with the kind and innocent attitudes of her young lady and

uely felt someone lie down beside her. A reflexive shudder went

d a man was sle

ish his features but she recognized the man who was lying

er for seven days and it’s almost eight days. Isabe

d, rolling over and pressing her beneath him. He swiftly t

to him. He suppressed her again without any effort. Grabbing her chin and f

n our wedding night? You know Isabella, I can satisfy you more than that.” His mockery stunned her into a deadly silence. She couldn’t understand what he was talking about. Wi

n before. Without even caring he started to move. Isabella struggled but she couldn’t

ries could be heard but that didn’t stop Dylan from his

lease. Ahhh” Isabella was crying but he

’t control himself because of the delicate woman beneath him. She was gorg

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