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Try Harder

Chapter 4 Meeting the kids

Word Count: 1783    |    Released on: 14/07/2021

self when Gia started talking to Christan and reintroducing her. The lady was tenacious at matchmaking. She’s at a loss how to react. Should

out a mother to guide them? Do you really believe you’re enough? I doubt you guys

She can say those things to Chri

irate expression before ser

for a while now. I don’t think she’s brave enough to talk

nk. She didn’t think this is how the woma

d furiously. Either from embarrassment or his sudden attention. He did look at her more thoro

at she’s pretty. That hurts a woman’s pride, you know?

She is beautiful. I don’t think

ok at him. He’s not wrong. She knows s

’s tr

ent you and receive them shyly. If you confidently state something like

seemed to think sh

cularly likes those kinds of people, to be honest. He finds them easier

nt and humble. You can also be confident and haughty. It’s

” Gia agreed, throwing a

Alena? Are you c

trying to create openi

fly glanced at her man. Yes, she’s already c

t you take her

’m not interested in dating. How many times mu

g me feel bad.” Gi

words made Alena feel better. Yes, she felt a little hurt by hi

another time.” Here, she directly re

met and he was the first to turn away. She almost chuckled. Bu

y like you. How about next w

ame time? It’s a d

sion. “It sounds like you two will be goi

king about men.” She wiggled her eyebrows at him. Her use of endearment wasn’t

w about shopping before coming

we exchange numbers, then?” She brought

excused himself and went to

at she’s interested in him. While chatting with Gia, she still glances in his direction. She o

e him. He does get invitations to go on dates every now and then. It doesn’t se

overly persistent women. It would come close to harassme

in the last month. Essentially, there’s nothing too bad. But they’re seeing a slow decline in revenues. It should still be reversible at this point. She assumes it’s due to competition. There have be

ody aches for some reason. She did some stretches while looking aroun

her gaze was drawn

d as the boy ordered a few dishes. Her employee asked how he is and said a few things she didn’t catch. They seem frien

ently come her

at least twice a wee

a in so long. She let her managers and employees connect with the customers. Also, this isn’t the onl

approached the kids. She took

at them and they t

lace. I was told you’re regular

ances. One replie

a. Well, he’s not entir

If the food’s just alright.” She made sure t

od here. She used to

like she has great taste.” They

noticed that they seem to have bl


d. She coughed to clear her thr

a minute or two before

hen? What’s her favorite?” At this que

rly liked the

when the restaurant was just starting out. Th

It’s my favorite, too. How about you?

s. The older one seemed ve

the table. She noted the roasted duc

ese three or have you a

not sure if she should feel offended. Yea

ther dishes. We’ve already tried everything on the

introducing new dishes soon. I

e beamed and they started

You haven’t told me your names yet, have you?” Alena st

ked at his brother,

.” The little

is Drew.

ulled the roasted duck dish towards hi

uck, isn’t it?” It’s supposed to be a

ls, a knife and a fork. She carefully cut the duck into sma

ating at her task. S

e asked them, her eyes a

rl replied

er mouth and relish


hings that happened when they go out to come to this restaurant. She’s happy to know that

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