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Claimed at dark

Chapter 5 First Sight

Word Count: 4438    |    Released on: 03/07/2021

en reaching record high numbers. It was somewhere in the mid 60's so we decided to eat outside. The towns peo

ickled down to them from someone else. I shook my head at the madness and took a sip from my iced tea.

nes down!" He said with such enthus

come. They produce the most amount of silver in this country,

hey do tha

nows what happened. I just know that it must be a big deal if they were shut down." He took a bite o

ng? I mean you don't have to go with me

me either, what matters is making sure no one fucks with you. You deserve a good time just like everyo

he main street where the cafe was located. This was no normal Lexus however. It was like a concept vehicle that was ripped out of a car show. Whoever was beh

god... It can't

cle was so shiny and shimmered in the sun light. I looked at it up and down and expected fo

because of the mi

ho?" I as

be. How don't you know who he is?" He asked as he stared at me in shoc

lace." With him explaining that it then made sen

eling as if your being watched. The window of the car suddenly began to lower. Devin gasped at the chance to see him in person but I was too stuck on the situ

in something that was in our general direction. The black Lexus pulled off and sped down the street. I would h

last name is t

hat matters is that he's loaded and gives a lot

he old?"

on his age but we think he has to

typed his name into the memo pad app on my phone. I may not show Devin tha

Devin asked now c

he look of disappointment

to the school dance if were not go

attitude towards it was becoming an annoyance. I haven't danced since the day of the accident and I could only imagine how stiff my bones and muscles have beco

ay suddenly. I snapped out of my so

realizing that he had been

at you thought I

to worry about anything. We'll have a good time. I promise" I said as I reached over and to

he'd be home late so this should not have come to a surprise to me. As soon as I opened the screen d

is head. He licked my face and whimpered at the screen door behind me. I opened

looked at the notification. The weather advisory warned of a large snow storm that was to come Friday. I shoo

the nice weather, because F

going to live here I wouldn't be able to do the eating out thing everyday. That would have to change asap. I took the money and put it in my pocket then grabbed my bag and left. I got into the car with the grocery store as my main destination an

the town as well as the endless amount of trees that engulf every inch of space on those mountains. Dissecting the town the way I was at that moment really

hway didn't sit well with me so I pulled into the very tiny parking lot in front of the store itself. Luckily for me there was one spot left and I nabbed it before some old

yone stopped what they were doing to look at me as I entered and grabbed a cart. I should have been angry however I smiled at them, flipped my

shop. He is doing a big thing by allowing me to live with him so maybe I should just do him this one tiny favor. I stocked up on the needed produce and moved on to the meat section. Like in most Grocery stores, the meat was locat

ce a lady chasing after a can that she had dropped. Judging from the fact that the can was rolling away from her and towards the back, meant that there was an

lopes" She said as she

his meal wasn't just for me. My Uncle would be eating too and judging by the size of that burger he ate the other day, he can really tear down into some food. So with

hyped up over something that was going on in the front and some even look to be blushing as I watched them peek around the corne

it h

is he

is goi

't realized that I was pushing my onions out of their bags. I

I had to act like it didn't bother me. It wouldn't have if I then didn't crash into a fast moving grocery cart that was being pushed from the opposite direction. The impact sent

my hand on the sloping floor to get up, I felt myself being lifted up off the ground by very massive hands. I gained my footing and found myself st

shoulders were as wide as three of me standing next to each other. I could only imagine how much it cost to get a suit made for shoulders that large. Let alone such an expensive looking suit. It hit me then


tone statue of a god and had a very warm tan to it. The facial hair did everything for him and he kept it tight shaved to his face. His long, dirty blond, almost brown hair was pulled back into a pony tail which normally wouldn't be attractive to me but it looked good on him. He

complete chill down my spine and eve

goodness. I wanted to lick the shine off his teeth. What was wrong with me in this odd moment? I suddenly realized that he still

re you?" He

again and shook his head. He moved his massive palm from my arm to my hair, mov

anything?" Again his voi

re the fuck is my brain and why am I spe

for someone to come running down the isle

gnoring the fact that I had been run over by one of his shopping carts. Heath looked at him like he c

moving cart ... Phil ..." he said to

u hit your head?" He suddenly switched his attit

er" Heath said with

DeBordaux Reached into his suit pocket and pulled out a white silk handkerchief. He didn'

have the most beautiful red hair Miss ..." he st

ebecca Rhod

gize about this incident. Ar

nager was suddenly handing Mr DeBordaux a bandaid and he took it. He smiled

g for your entire cart in hopes that you can

essary Mr DeBordau

ith a big smile on his face and in a mocking

and some regular groceries" I said e

ld by for groceries and load it up in her ca

th turned back and snapped him a look that would have made a child pee. H

the best chops you have back there? Got that

he scurried off with tw

cooking them?" he asked. I looked at

f steaks Miss Rh

here in town." I realized that I just corrected him. Would he treat me the

eached into his cart, which was filled with all types of meat fro

but he wont be in until tomorrow. They're all yours." He said as h

e groceries. It is unnecessary" I tried to say but he placed his very long index fi

eath was referring to him as had returned with my cart, which had all the groceries bagged in it. He even took th

gan but before he could finish, Heath shot him a

I'd appreciate it" Heath said as he grabbed my cart. We began walking outside and everyone in the store just stared

can unload it myself." I tried agai

ely turned and there was a brisk chill in the wind. I shivered a little bit but tried hard to hold it back. Unfortunately for me, Heath saw it and took his Suit jacket off and wrapp

h them. What I saw then was enough to make me gasp. TATTOOS! And from the look of it, he had full sleeves. God dammit he WAS perfect. I hadn't reali

for long?" I asked as we walked

Then there are some other, smaller things. I do plan on paying for all three of the funerals of the workers that

? I feel like I've seen only motels."

own so I'll be ok." He explained. I nodded

of rooms and stuff." I said poking fun at

it for me and waited for me to sit down. I did and removed the jacket, checking the l

, You didn't have to BUT ... I appreciate i

eed anything. Also when yo art applying for a job, feel free to shoot me an email with the name of the place you applied and I'll be sure to cal

lf Rebecca. See you

just paid for all my groceries, I drove the rest of the way home in silence. Now how was I going to explain this to Chris? How would he feel about it? How does he feel about him

nly the big man upstairs knows what might happen here in Wallace. For now my main worry is to get home and get these T-Bone steaks cooking. The thought of eating such

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