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Caged ( Survival )

Chapter 4  Truth

Word Count: 1080    |    Released on: 14/07/2021



ay as me and my mom continued our

ready started, My English teacher Miss

ed, Everyone in the class faced me, it was like I became a celebr

l at this hour?, This is so unlike you. "


o games all night and Slep

, Mia? " Miss

I said in an attem

was studying Phrase? ' or are you going to use something else

e in your life that you guys are now reacting this way? , What's up with you guys? If you are Envious of

ou? , Why don't you mind

you beat me? " Clover Repl

rgotten that I am still in clas

who was silently watch

't let what happen today r

Ma " I

ch I shared With Clover, I coul


I greete

he replie

? , What have I done

ore than you are supp

ng in Parables, Hit the nail o

I called you? " She asked, I was Surpri

hen did you call me?

at around 7:30 yesterd

leep then, Sor

, why were you late th


ut of my class! " Miss Lucia Suddenly Announ

, We

you Mia, I didn't expect something li

a? " Clover, asked Boldl

ve the guts to

what We did, Ma.

ossiping about when the c

ping, Ma, " I Said

forgotten about

. " We

u two Going agai

re Sor

for Yo

f this Week I don't want to see you

e did doesn't Warrant

Clover and Your Punishme

t Ma

" I Said Tugging

both our Heads down, I could Hear Moc

ence to the School lib

open the door, Clov

rong? " I

y to our class teacher when she asks us about what h

ll her the truth."

Mia?, Do you know wh

hy? " I inqui

le if we tell her the truth about

are going to tell her the

our class teacher the whole truth when we are both awar

lie? , No matter what we say or do, the fact that we'

obably Right

be punished for our mistake. " I told he

rlier on, I remembered t

e truth and it sha

, it's High time We've s

as we both opened th

re done, We Picked our S

to draw and The Compuls

d Was Solving Past Quest

allocated for the English languag

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