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Her Protector, His love

Chapter 2 Brit Proposal

Word Count: 1757    |    Released on: 24/06/2021


her brother phone call basically disturbed her beauty sleep. Brit is a famous fashion designer so she pretty much take a serious care of her beauty regime. She will only wake up aft

please stop spoiling my mood You are so dead Ryan!! “ Brit can hear her brother chuckles and she can

This guy is so annoying, he f***ing call me at 5AM for this? And now I cant sleep. She scrolled down the Instagram feeds to check if any updates on her p

imes this week and yesterday she fainted in the tub while taking her bath. She almost drown dear. I am sca

in the garden and a poisonous snake almost bit me but Clair saw it first she put her hands in fronts of me and the snake bit her instead. She was so brave and she dont even cry. She just hugged me and said “its ok Brit you are safe” before she losses her consciousness. She was brought to hospital and had to fight for her

gn. Her inspiration has alwayss been Clair all her work dedicated to her besties, the first piece of all her collection been given to Clair but nobody knows

f she calls Clair that girl will attempt to lie to her and she's a

nswered after

? Has she eaten? What the doctor s

s. She just landed in country A from country B la

etting better?" She's getting agitated since aunt didnt answer her right a

ek protectiveness over Clair, he was a good man yes no doubt, but his way was not realistic and he knew that but refused to change. Yes its time. I will bring Clair to Country A, I have gotten a contract here I need to be here atleast for atleast 2 years. Going back and forth to country S and country A is not ideal. But I need a foolproof plan. Clair has medical needs to be taken care of. Her diet, her safety, and I cant do this alone. Unlike country S a small country, here in Country A, paparazzi is everywhere even her arrival to this country attracted media.

un dress for her brunch, once ready it is almost 1PM she knew Ryan will be here an

he hotel she saw him leaning against his black Bugatti La Voiture Noir. His latest sick addition of car collection. He was texting someone

h. Yes and do not make that face, please sis" He knew I hated to associate with someone I barely know during family time. I consider brunch with Ryan as family time since he move to Country A because we barely se

seat where two gentlement has been seat

knew Alex from what I have been reading in forbes he is a billionaire and one of the hottest bachelor in the world. Only if he is not a playboy,

ir, she always sneaked behind her father to learn how to bake and cook. She is definitely gifted, her food is to d

sudden" yeah my brother just dump me to his friend that I dont know of, handsom

or this, are you okay wi

k at him a

ut my proposal I have the urge to get his help since Ryan i

"yeah sure, hit me." He said lightly that earns a

ies. I am trying to bring her here, a change of scenery. But I cant bring t

rector of one of their hospital in the city.

d, he just agreed to help me. My jaw are slightly open. He nudged me " Am I that awe

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