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Mafia and his angel 2

Chapter 5 Love

Word Count: 4304    |    Released on: 21/06/2021

"I'm tired," I said. "I know. Me too," he replied, his words soft. "I really should go." My voice was barely a whisper as I pulled my head up and stared into Alessio's eyes. He nodded and the sighe

as he was out of sight, I moved back to his bed. I still remembered the first time we met, his eyes filled with fury was and his gun pointed at me. All I could see now was affection in his soft gaze. All I felt were gentle caresses. He was no longer the killer I met the first time. He might be a monster out there, but to me he was my savior. My anchor. Moments later, he returned wearing only grey sweatpants, his chest bare. "Oh." My mouth fell open as I took him in, my gaze drawn to his muscular body. Lean, big, and hard. He was sculpted, beautifully rugged. Intense, dark, dangerous. There were still some droplets of water on his perfectly tanned body. But what got most of my attention were the tattoos weaved around the length of his arms, ending just above his elbows. The most prominent looked Celtic and almost tribal in design but I couldn't make out the other design. It was dark, intense, and fierce...just like him. Alessio walked toward me and my gaze roamed over broad shoulders and chest. He stopped in front of me and I had to tilt my head up. He was so big and powerful like this. "Do you mind if I sleep like this?" he asked. "I usually sleep naked, but I thought you wouldn't be comfortable with that. I can accommodate with the sweatpants, but I hate sleeping with shirts." "Umm...right.". Shaking my head, I tried to find my voice. "I mean, yes. I'm okay with this." Alessio brought his hand up and trailed a finger up from my jaw to my ear, moving my hair to the side. "Good." He leaned forward until his lips were right next to my ear. "Let's sleep," he said, placing a kiss there before stepping away. He had a smirk on his face and he wasn't even trying to hide it. His blue eyes gleamed with a devilish glint as he nodded toward the bed. Instead of standing up, I pushed myself back on the bed and crawled backward until I was on the right side, close to the window. Alessio followed my each and every movement, his eyes burning brighter with intensity. My fingers tightened around the comforter and I swallowed hard, my body trembling slightly under his fierce gaze. He must have seen my nervousness because he cleared his throat and looked away. I turned toward the window, purposely facing away from him. I heard him shuffling around the room and then the lights were off, casting darkness around the room, with only a tiny glow coming from behind me. Thank goodness. I hated sleeping in the dark. The bed moved under his weight as he got in. The comforter shifted and then I felt his heat next to me. We both stayed silent, unmoving. Only our slow breathing filled the room. I placed a hand over my chest, trying to calm my pounding heart, hoping he didn't hear it. Then he moved closer. My heart stuttered as I waited for his next move. I bit on my lips when I felt his arm around me. Alessio pulled me into his body until my back was against his front, tangling his heavy legs with mine as his arm curved almost fully around my body. "Alessio," I whispered, my heart going wild in my chest. He brought his face next to mine and I felt his lips at my temple. When he said nothing and his breath evened out, I placed my hand over his, which was wrapped around my stomach. "Alessio?" His arm tightened around me and he gave me a powerful squeeze. "Sleep," he ordered, his voice soft even with his demanding tone. My hand pressed hard against his as I contemplated what just happened. "Ayla, stop thinking so hard. Sleep." At his words, I sighed and relaxed, settling into his body. And that was how I fell asleep. With Alessio wrapped around me like a vine, his lips on my temple, and our hands entwined together. *** A week later It had been three weeks since I cut myself and my last nightmare. I was supposed to remove my stitches a few days ago but Sam said it was better to keep them in for a little longer to make sure the cut was sealed properly. So much happened in those weeks. My relationship with Alessio was growing stronger each day. His patience and gentleness sang to my heart. He was considerate and never pushed for more. My feelings for him was indescribable, and Maddie was on cloud nine. I finally understood what she meant when she said her ship was sailing. Shaking my head, I smiled. She was so silly but the greatest friend and sister anyone could ever ask for. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be here, happy. Looking up at the clock, I said, "Almost time. He told me to see him before lunch." "Want me to come with you?" "Of course. I'm expecting you to," I replied, putting the cut vegetables in the bowl next to me. "What about Alessio?" she asked. "He said he is busy," I muttered. I heard her sigh beside me, making me look up. "Artur has been pretty busy lately too. Something is wrong with the clubs, from what I've heard." I nodded and wiped my hand in my apron. "Alessio has been a little stressed out. Always lost in his thoughts. I tried to get him to talk to me but he said he didn't want to worry me about his problems." Maddie shook her head with an exasperated sigh. "Artur said the same thing. Men." She washed her hands. "Let's go." Sam was already waiting for us in his office. He gave us a small smile as we settled in. "How are you feeling?" he asked. "I'm great," I said. "Any nightmares?" Shaking my head, I presented him my arm as he got his stuff ready. "No. No more nightmares." He nodded and took my arm in his hand. "Good. Are you taking your medicines on time?" This time, he looked at Maddie. She nodded and placed a hand on my shoulders. "I give her the medicines on time. It's all good." "If you feel a little uneasy with my removing the stitches, just avert your gaze. I'll be done in no time," Sam suggested. "Okay," I said, looking away. While Sam worked on getting my stitches out, Maddie talked. Sam even joined sometimes, making some random jokes. I didn't even realize when he was done until he said so. "Done," Sam said, leaning back and pushing his chair away. I looked down at my arms. They were free of the stitches but not from the scars. From where the stitches used to be, there was a faint pink line. Sam noticed me looking. "It's going to take some time for the scars to fade away." The words made my heart ache. He might have been talking about the scars on my arms but the words meant more to me. It would take some time for my scars to fade. My physical scars and my emotional scars. I didn't know how long it was going to take for me to be rid of them. I was finally living a life but the scars ran too deep. Sometimes, I wondered, would I ever forget and move on fully? "Cocoa butter is a great way to help. I would suggest you apply it on your scars every day or two. Depends on you. I will prescribe you a tube of scar-fading cream. That might help," Sam said. I nodded. "Okay. Thank you." "But it will take some time. Even years," he added. "I know," I replied, finally looking up. Sending him a smile, I continued, "At least they will fade, right? Even if it takes years." Maddie's hand tightened on my shoulder. "That's the spirit," Sam said. "Your scars are your strength," Maddie added and I looked up at her. "They show what you have been through and that you are still here, fighting. They are a part of you." "You're going to make me cry," I joked lightly even though her words meant everything. But then another voice was added to the mix. This ti

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