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TLS #3: The Girl in Red Dress

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1264    |    Released on: 16/07/2021

la Me

ar l

ul.. Yes!" The photographer said

d the bag and cont

h my family tonight"

raight there or home first?"


favorite coffee. I woke up early and went to a


ickly drove to the dinner place. Apparently it's in Hilton Hotel

ant is on the 2nd floor and I'm too lazy to go to the back for the l

. Making me slip and fall down. I cursed at myself and groan

who saved my ass 2 times. His looked at

again" He stated as he loo

I said

y situation and you wear red dress" He said and I look

ain for the third time and sin

ut me and I l

.." I

n't n

ed to the side a

u repay no

ssed me deeply. I was shocked at first but I was drown in th

he girl glared at him big time. S

ilton?" She

e stomped her foot angrily. Tears ca

You know her?" He looked

and you? Bl

yes widened, why di

ked and I nodded

2 wish l

to ask what just h

an help you since you helped me"

nd I turned my body to him. I loo

e my girlfrie

asked d

out my phone and texted my brother Zion that

n?" I asked Blan


I asked

vate room, have an

lanning to have a

in it to them

as I put my phone back into my bag. I put my heels on

this means ri

e I'm yours t

u s

y right?" I a

d to mine and held it. I looked at

do we

he launching par

w long hav

ter. That's the only thing I know. He slipped his arm around my waist ma

s but in a good way

as we stood in f

He kissed my cheek and opened

Lifes and his family. Eve

up Camilla first" Blane

e pulled me with him. I smiled politely at ev

've seen

ilton right?

times when we're work

Kayla stood u

d and I can't believe I'm seeing them. I mean

on's daughter right

I an

only" Sky Locason

sinessman along with my

the food" Alex said and Blan

e joking" Axel sai

g abou

. Blane pulled my seat closer and he kissed my cheek, smiling t

Camilla, I'm Joa

t you too" I

rst" Blane whispered

and Blane explained it to me about

e you been toget

nd 5

er tell us?" Cail

I?" Blake an


Dylan Lemiere said in a cold

om you?" I gulped hearing it. So Lauren

ole America knew that Lauren and Dylan are a power c

I turned to him

e leaned to me a

" I said, trying to be sad. Blane

e gave me a p

I hissed an

t this felt like a real thing? It felt

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