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BLSC #10: His Bid on Her

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 1013    |    Released on: 31/07/2021

e Pa

d Vivian , she's a writer and

u rock in red" She said l


r 10" I pointe

but they're keeping it a secret though. Too bad I can't go

he bidder as soon as i

r. We're literally theirs for tonight" Tod

t up first rig

bid on me?" Vivian asked in a really worr

vous!" Beth said a

that was fast. I'm so nervous. Vivian went


Beth patted

o this?" I asked h

ervous okay? Yo

, I'm not" Why am I sta

squealed and held my hand trying to calm me down. I

is latest song..

now" Beth said and

ckstage. My hands are trembling right now, my body turned col

nt up and damn.. aft

big inhale and exhale" Beth pat

I won't join this kind

ever but calm y

00$ , she's beautiful. I saw her for a second and sh

lked out from the back with number 17 attached on my dress. The light

uce yourself" The MC gave me the mic and I smi

is Irene Payton. I'm 22

and Gentlemen , we'll start the bi

raised their

.. 1

re nervous. I can't see the bidder very well. The

nd higher. I heard a lot of different voice.

000$.. 500

Ms. Payton can you give them a lo

ing. I don't have special

oze when Beth shout

you should sing for us a little?"

I decided to sing a short part of So Sick by Ne-Yo.

rom 20.000$

0$.. 40.000$.. 5

. Payton passed the highest bidder f


ng once.. go

, my eyes tried to find to person w

n sold to the bidder number 42" My eyes landed on the man w

to the MC and he r

I asked and the MC

turned to my bidder. I t

vely and the cold pair of eyes who

again and I gasped. People gasped to be

, you can't"

t quick" I

go down and have a great time Ms. Payton" I walked down

the past 4 years. His eyes were cold and so was mine. He stood ther

el said in a really cold and hur

on me for 300.000$" I sai

e caught my wrist and pulled me out from the


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