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The Rebel

Chapter 3 The Alpha

Word Count: 1311    |    Released on: 16/06/2021



a of

pha, I bring al

aking Alpha Logan to drop the

ives the gamma ,a


ineering,making the ga

he silvermoon pa

eyebrow at him ,surp


ned? Get me

in anxiousness, how was he

d and even the late Alpha's daughter agreed. But then we lost the mindlink an

lence. Nothing was evident on his fac

tries to

knife and all others have died wi

d , making the gamm

s back and eyes lowe


as a cunning bast***. He never followed the instr

o some extent tha

nd that's when Alpha

t his ange

k to negotiate with that woman and acquir

slave the women and children? Wasn't I clear when I said

. Kill them or turn them rogues,I don't care.

or the weak.No females other than mate's of the

in years, making their pack to

n. My apologies. But i

t on the table,gett

e. If it wasn't his father's contribution to t

many men ha

lpha. All dead

g up his tuxedo fr

it was him again.The way they were kill


es Alpha. The Rebel

This was the first time Rebe

the council ,he has

say, no one

itory at any cost in order to achi

ing the Alpha King's

ith the females ,if i

s willing

leave for Silvermoon tonight

hock. He never meets people

to negotiate after what happened. Also we don't

he threshold,sta

as the beta position is concerned,y

He thought the Alpha hated him,but then again Alpha hates almo


ith one last glance

aning the drops of sweat

tomorrow,or god knows what will happ

as scary,his wol

he was not an

Lycan ,who lives

and re


't leave

at Vera in despera

now,she just can't

clear beforehand. I

o way let us win over this,we have killed his Beta and warriors for god sa

bting her decision of helping them


s her sit on it. Holding her ha

his pack. We owe our lives to yo

m under her grip,looki

self repuls

ponsibilities. And she preferr

t agree

he first female Alpha. Plus we all will be

her seat ,moving

after her but sh

outside to b

n in hundreds ,su

eir heads

p and thanking her fo

era! Alp

unison and Vera looks b


lia hugged her from behind. Stopp

on't leave

was the l

her heart does beat for the p

arms,she smiles at her an


urrounded her. As people rejoic

ug her, too happ

e,as Rosie looks at her

pha! I am so hap

ps her s

s making sile

ave a co

ll nodded. Ready to do anyth

hat I am the Rebel R

ns, no one would have thought in their

sidered weak

g this stereotypes and challenging the

er of the council and Rebe

let them find out that t

re of equality in

men in this mal

r sa



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1 Chapter 1 The world order2 Chapter 2 Rogue3 Chapter 3 The Alpha4 Chapter 4 The day they met5 Chapter 5 Defiance6 Chapter 6 Games7 Chapter 7 His mysteries8 Chapter 8 Her strength9 Chapter 9 Where is he 10 Chapter 10 The attack11 Chapter 11 Saving her12 Chapter 12 The hidden 13 Chapter 13 So close14 Chapter 14 The heat15 Chapter 15 The captive16 Chapter 16 Deception17 Chapter 17 Marking18 Chapter 18 The fight19 Chapter 19 A goodbye 20 Chapter 20 Saravera21 Chapter 21 The King22 Chapter 22 The end to a beginning23 Chapter 23 Pain of regrets24 Chapter 24 The menace25 Chapter 25 Alpha Kane26 Chapter 26 Accepted or rejected 27 Chapter 27 The rogue Villain28 Chapter 28 The rise of rebel29 Chapter 29 The chase30 Chapter 30 They meet again31 Chapter 31 His what 32 Chapter 32 Jealousy33 Chapter 33 Faded34 Chapter 34 The decision35 Chapter 35 The party 136 Chapter 36 The party 237 Chapter 37 His real face38 Chapter 38 The drunken desire39 Chapter 39 The lies40 Chapter 40 The lies 241 Chapter 41 Unveiled 142 Chapter 42 Unveiled 243 Chapter 43 The courtroom 144 Chapter 44 The courtroom 245 Chapter 45 Slumber46 Chapter 46 The consummation47 Chapter 47 The plan48 Chapter 48 The d day49 Chapter 49 The punishment50 Chapter 50 The strength51 Chapter 51 The awakening 152 Chapter 52 The awakening 253 Chapter 53 The fight54 Chapter 54 The massacre55 Chapter 55 Anara56 Chapter 56 Betrayed or saved 57 Chapter 57 Betrayed or saved 258 Chapter 58 The rebellion59 Chapter 59 The End( part 1)60 Chapter 60 The End( part 2)61 Chapter 61 The End(Final)62 Chapter 62 Epilogue63 Chapter 63 Epilogue ( Final)