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Arrested by love

Chapter 4 Unwanted visitor

Word Count: 585    |    Released on: 04/06/2021

request bei

you and your

made mys

he two elde


Ebube comm

kled their ca

o run slowly

s like old m

ma wine nea

hop where sh

d up again

he looked ar

body then

ut the key in

Crooom” h

all the peopl

r one thing

me out from

a total sol

who were the

’s p

e of the you

s in troubl

em returned

trying to dra

could see hi

shop without

a stagger

hat happened

d him. “Why

gain? Or are

e?” he

dem began lo

“Are you no

what made a

ng me in t

mply means t

he cricket ha

e. Please, le

to normal w

urried up ag

r up. “Mam

he entere

palace was

ng from elde

thing but the

appened. Of

en were ther

ge. Suddenl

all greeted

and healthy

ich and reg

hat ever reign


cause of all

eting?” King

ywhere be

der Thomas b

d elder Ben

lat on the

some elder

ion!!” ot

s responsi

ct?” the kin

w what he ca

ed, White

” elder Be

ame is Red m

as s

he king

ng. He even

you to provi

ext twelve h

l die incl

a sacrilege?

s sho

tally became

ecause he k

ould do but

he next tw

er, darkness

ay again.


Roland and He

heir jean tro

boxers cou

boy!” Rolan

likewise Henr

ught out a cig

t and blew i

about Daria



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