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Chapter 5 5 TO THE TOWN

Word Count: 1030    |    Released on: 16/06/2021

etter as the rain was getting

ith this

n like this

test favor in me? I bolted t

place to stay is my t

! I haven't experienced

e! It's so good to

e rain?" I asked the two older men walking on t

of them shrieked,

ng yourself up out of the sk

urprised at all as he has

ng here at this hour, d

got lost, Sirs, I even lost

from the Duke Ma

n was really sharp

my first time visiting her today. I have never expected to be caught under

rs based on their cl

ook at yourself, you look

d to insult me

se words but kep

let me go with you and accompany

all alone by yourself. What if we have bad ideas in our mind and do s

on me, and

herself with all the possible

hing, he gave a faint smile and took s

ful brown woo

, he handed over t

your body was tremb

I murmured, s

y thoughtful

e back for borrowing i


t have any m

ts in your h

n your hair. You see....it's his granddaughter's birthday today, but we don't receive any

seemingly talking through each ot

n showering under the rain, saying this kind o

e rain is like water

chatted about quite a few fa

near Huasel City, the S

es of low-ranked nobles from the Earl

is inevitable that even the commoners would

rld's nobility works, and it

mportant status, I a

ve them and throw away

is so confusing

licious vixen Lady f

t old man who deemed mopping in his own words. The

I become

n La

g a new trending nickname c

larity is absol

eople are likely to gossip an

you mea

icious vixen Lady would marry our Iceberg Duke of Slendlock, His Gr

dy from the Royal City because she chose

to suffer from ma

my eyebrows at t

ity the L

umors she seduced the crown prince! Such a wanton brat! If I ever


ur granddaughter! Ba

turning street now. You," I quickly straightened

n my umbrella and th



n my face, I reluctantly gav

h it as I was thinking b

ashing on my young bod

aterial, I can still feel lingeri

le payment for th

strange feeling tha

? How about we wal

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