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Only You

Chapter 4 No time for love

Word Count: 1580    |    Released on: 25/05/2021


njoyable. And with our mother figure pestering Henry and Lilli for grand kids, the fun is d

ining room, while Henry’s mom pretended to catch him. His little giggles always made my lifeless flutter with excitement. He

lan wants to play.

y room. It would be easier for you to e

e didn’t real

d with a smile. “You don’t really

s she picked Nolan from his h

uncle Henry still wouldn’t give me a grandkid.” She said as she grinned at her

illi too was biting her lips as

child is on the way.” She muttered,


. I just hope I get to see me gra

to hear you talking about death all the t

pretending to zip her lips and walke

ng at her with a silly smile on m

re you smiling

fast anymore. My heart felt heavy with the memories of my own mother, who was a lot like Gabby aunty. She too had the ability to brighten up the

sh she was

I didn’t know that I had tears in my eyes u

ing you?” she asked softly as she s

one. I wanted to hide my tears from the entire world. I felt that it was not w

e I knew it I was gasping for breath and hiccupping through my sobs

like my little sister. And sisters don’t hide anything from e

I want to be strong. I want to be courageous. So I will face anything life th

ffles, as I choked on my sobs. My continuous efforts to hide

as the best daddy I could ever ask for. He used to work as a body guard for Mr. Liam. He always used to tell me that Mr. Liam was the best boss a

spot. Stone had been trying to get him for a long time. I was just a k

needed as she grew up from the Brookes. However I was not that lucky. I had the most horrible past which I wouldn’t wish on any child. No kid deserved to be treated like

aps it was the best for me. Perhaps those unfortunate events

r parents died?” her que

didn’t know exactly how. I was just told that they died in an accident. I remember how I begged to allow me

ut their deaths. A funeral was held for them, but the casket was kept closed. No one really saw

nd squeezed my hand. Her palm

tter when you share your thought

to force a sm

has opened up for the new intake. So we would look it up so that both of us could be free in the af

des, with Adira gone, more work will have to be done.

after this.” I promised,

y that I forget about my problems. Yes. That was a good solution. I will fill my schedule with taking care of Nolan, volunteer

is what I

lashed on the screen. He was still trying to make me agree to go o

u. I will continue to try until you finally give in. Because I really

ed and

red pouting. “Don’t make this harder for me th

is messages and lea

..I just can’t.....” I muttered to

me to cry over my problems. I’ve got to move forw

love. I thought as I washed the plate and dried it. Walking ou

rk harder if I am to forg

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